114)Feel Like Making A Deal With The Devil?

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Forbes House
3rd Person:

After not being able to find the children, and seeing that picture of the children with Seline and Cade. They phoned the police ASAP

"When was the last time you saw the nanny?" The Detective asked a very pissed off Chris

"Here. She offered to watch the children for me, because she's their nanny. We spoke by phone a few hours ago. She was getting ready to put the kids to bed" Chris then pulled out his phone and shows him a picture of Seline and the three kids who were all smiling infront of the house "This is them. And, uh-" Chris then snatched a pad from Caroline who had drawn what Sybil looks like "-this is Sybil, the woman who we believe is with Seline"

"How do you know they're traveling together?"

"I'm psychic" Chris joked to him even though he was, the man gave him a weird look "Call it a hunch. Sybil is Seline's sorta sister"

"Sorta sister?"

Chris then grabbed the Detective by his collar "Look, don't patronise me Detective. Now find my children or I swear to all things holy I'll rip your tongue out through your back exit"

Caroline quickly pushed Chris off and started to compel the guy before anything happened "Forget that threat and disseminate these photos and find them, okay"

After being pushed, Chris walked off outside to get some air and tried to call Seline again while Caroline and Alaric speak to the Detectives

Oakwood Diner:

Seline was sat at a booth with the three kids who were blissfully unaware that they were in any kind of danger, eating their cares away with big sundaes

Seline was a little jittery, tapping her cup as her phone ran and saw it was Chris. She huffed and answered her phone "Hi, Chris"

"Where are they!"

"Safe with me"

"Let me speak with them"

"I'm sorry, I can't do that"

"Bring them back, please" Chris begged calmly before making any sort of threat that he may regret

"Can't do that either"

"Why not?"

"Your kids are very special Chris. I know you've always known that. And special kids, have special needs. The less you know the better. Just know that I am saving them from a lifetime of pain"

"Your right.....the less I know the better. But just so you know, I couldn't give a damn about your plans, because they're never going to happened. I'm going to find you...and when I do...I'm going to skin your human suit then I'm going to skin the monster underneath. No discussions, no last minute pleas for sympathy. You've been in my home. And somehow through all your scheming, you've underestimated how far I will go just to protect my children. You've messed with the wrong supernatural group. I'm not coming for you though, I'm coming for them. But the longer you keep them from me......the more I am going to hurt you"

Seline quickly then shut off the call after that long threat and sighed with a deep breath as she put down her phone

The bell from the front door of the diner rung as someone came through the door and walked towards Seline "Hey sissy" Seline turned quickly at this voice and saw Sybil with her arm entangled with Damons


"Quite the family reunion you've sprung on us"

The children had no cares in the world as they were still stuffing their faces full of ice cream

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