45)Tombstone and Hunter

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3rd Person
Shane's Office:

After Connor broke out of the Mikaelsons house after killing one of Klaus' hybrids he went to Professor Shane's place to argue with him about how little knowledge that he is willing to share with him. Since Shane has some lore ideas on how to kill hybrids but Connor had to quickly try and find out himself

"We had a deal. I'll give you more answers about your Hunter's Mark when it's grown to completion" Shane told him

"So just kill as many vampires as possible"

"Come on, Connor, why do you think I sent you to Mystic Falls. There's no shortage of vampires. That town is practically infested" He informed him, Shane sat down at his desk "Listen, there's these two witches who are mixed up in all of this. They are important to what I have planned. I want them to be kept out of harms way"

"Anybody gets in my way, anybody, they're dead" Connor threatened

Shane huffed at him "Okay....I'll occupy them myself. Just do what you do. The less I know the better"

Christophers POV:

Me and Bonnie went to that Professor Shane guys office that he apparently has in Mystic Falls already to try out this magic stuff he said he could help us with. We sat at his desk while he made some tea, we was reading one of his books that he made called 'Book of the Occult' "I can't believe you wrote a book" Bonnie smiles, a little impressed by this

"I did. I wrote thee books, actually" Shane said trying to be impressive "Two of them are too mortifying to display" He laughs

"Well I'm definitely going to try and find them then" I say getting my phone out my pocket to look online for it while Bonnie got hers from her bag

"Yeah get them up, let's see" Bonnie encouraged me

"No. No, you're not" He says "Hey, remember the promise. No phones and no Internet during witch therapy" He grabbed mine and Bonnies phones from our hands "Here, this is yours" He puts down a cup of tea for each of us. I like tea very much, maybe this guy isn't bad
"Right now I want your undivided attention and focus" Shane sat in his chair on his desk opposite us

"You really think you can help us start practicing magic again?" Bonnie looks at at me and then back at Shane

"Absolutely, I can. I invited you both here because I can. But you know what? Right now, just relax. Drink your tea"

I take the lid off the tea and slowly take sips considering it was hot "That's what I do best" I say and Shane chuckled a little

"I got this in Australia, backpacking with these Aborigine spirit guides. Trust me, it's better when you smoke it, but I'm trying to be a role model here so" Me and Bonnie chuckle at this

"Listen you two, the thing is, what I have in mind might come off as a little unorthodox" He says while messing with his ear a little

Me and Bonnie look at one another with raised eyebrows "I think now, we're officially curious"I say

Shane clapped his hands in excitement "Good" He then grabs an object from behind him: a metronome "What do you know about hypnosis"

Bonnie pulls a face at him "Really? You think that would work?"

"You practice witchcraft but you don't believe in hypnotism?" He asks us with a confused face. He looks at me and I slowly shake my head

"Okay, listen" He then does the ear thing again while looking at Bonnie "You're afraid to practice magic because the witch spirits convinced you it's wrong. They threatened your Grams and made you feel guilty" Bonnie then did the same action as Shane and put her hand on her ear "You just have to confront that fear and that guilt. And remove it" They both then put their arms back down

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