14)Masquerade Ball

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Christopher's POV:
Salvatore house:

A day after the moonstone business me and Bonnie rush over to the Salvatores house because Stefan said he urgently needed us. BonBon is carrying her Grimour in her arm and I've got one in my satchel bag. I found the Grimour in a bunch of Grams old stuff. It's not as good as the one Bonnie has but it's good enough for now at least

Caroline greets us at the door and we walk in and firstly see Stefan walking towards us, he points at Bonnies arm "Hey. You brought the Grimoire thank you"

We look around and see the boys are messing with a bunch of things "Whats happening here?" I ask

Stefan looks like he doesn't know how to explain but Jeremy walks by us and bluntly says "We're gonna kill Katherine"

Bonnie looks a bit startled but I understand she asks Stefan to explain to which he responds with ".... We're gonna kill Katherine" I laugh at this but Bonnie doesn't seem to be taking it as a joke

The boys: Damon, Alaric and Jeremy are messing with some toys on the table. They may be weapons but they look like toys to me. Alaric gives some people recomended 'toys' to use. I have my book and so does Bonnie so we don't need weapons, not that Bonnie would use them anyway.

While they mess around Stefan explains to us what they are going to do and Bonnie suggests to use a spell like the one used for the tomb. With both of us here we should be able to get one up and running to trap Katherine so the Salvatores can kill her

We all stand around the table getting last minute preps ready "Bonnie. You with us?" Stefans asks

"Please Bonzo, I can't do this spell alone" she looks at me and walks forward

"As long as no-one gets hurt" She says

"Except Katherine" Damon tells us

We all go and get in our masquerade suits and dresses. I wear my fun blue checkered suit again because black is boring and everyone will look the same and, dead and I want to look different

3rd Person:
Lockwood Mansion:

They all arrive at the lockwood mansion ready for the plan, the Salvatores go and search for Katherine while the Bennet twins and Jeremy go and set up the spell to trap Katherine in, well the Bennets set the spell, Jeremy is getting his weapons ready. Caroline is going to be used to try and lure Katherine to the right room and trick her into the room

The Bennets and Jeremy go to let the Salvatores know they are set up and ready to go but the witches get an eery vibe from inside the house and Bonnie walks over to someone and talk to her. Apparently she isn't anyone but, everyone is someone so Bonnie doesn't really believe her for now. But they are busy so that will have to wait for later

Stefan finally finds Katherine and they start to dance because Katherine threatens to kill someone. They slow dance in the middle of the crowd while people around enjoy the entertainment of people juggling fire sticks. Katherine then makes a statement for Stefan, showing she means business and isn't messing around. She threatens to kill more if he doesn't give her the moonstone

After a talk with Jeremy, Katherine grabs Caroline to force her to tell her about the plan which Caroline fakes not knowing a few times but also spilling out the 'truth' of where the witches and the moonstone is. Caroline successfully lures Katherine to the room where she can't get out.

Quickly Damon and Stefan try to kill Katherine, Damon shoots Katherine in the back which at the same time is also mirror hurting Elena which is sending the witches and little Gilbert into a panic

Quickly Jeremy runs to stop them hurting Katherine and as Damom was about to thrust a stake through Katherines heart he stops him "Stop, everything your doing to her is hurting Elena"

Outside the Bennets are with Elena, Chris comes up with an idea for them to try break ths spell but it doesn't work so Bonnie tells them to use a spell to help with the pain. Jeremy comes back sith information about another witch and runs to go find her leaving only Chris to do the spell

Jeremy takes his ring off to give to Elena which she refuses "Jeremy it won't work. The ring protects the supernatural and since Elena is a doppelganger she's technically supernatural. Chances are, it won't work. We will just have to wait for Bonnie to find that witch"

Eventually Bonnie finda the witch and demands to know whats she's up too and comands her to stop the spell. But all she wants is the moonstone. She tries to walk away but Bonnie grabs her arm and the witch: Lucy can sense that she has the moonstone. She then grabs onto Bonnies arm and helps Bonnie sense that she can trust her to do the right thing

Lucy goes to give the moonstone to Katherine. As she gives the stone Katherine starts to choke as a spell was put on the stone by her "You should've told me more witches were involved. They're Bennet witches Katherine, but I'm sure you knew that" Stefan gets worried about Elena since Katherine is being hurt but the spell had thankfully been lifted. Lucy then leaves, leaving Stefan and Damon to deal with the unconscious Katherine

Before Lucy fully leaves Bonnie asks for advice about the whole witch, vampire thing and she tells both Bonnie and Chris that being involved with there friends and family is what they need to do and that's the path they need to lead.

Chris also notices how Bonnie and Jeremy have started becoming closer to eachother with a little bit of flirting here and their. He finds it a bit weird since it's his sister plus friend since childhood, but he can't control what they do. Bonnie may be going a bit loopy but he trusts her. With his life.

He spends the night talking to Bonnie once they finally got home, they practise some spells together and then go to bed. But Chris spends his time talking to that mystery Elijah guy he met at the cafe who Caroline also teased him about

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