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Salvatore House
3rd Person:

Damon being the idiot he is promised to bring Enzo back to the land of the living since Stefan killed Enzo by suicide.....yeah, it was a weird death. Stefan had Enzos heart in his hand and Enzo pushed off Stefan to make it so he died

Damon also thinks Liv, who is currently nowhere to be seen alongside her brother Luke, is going to do a spell to pull Bonnie back, which currently isn't possible since Bonnie lied about that possibility to Jeremy

Meanwhile Elena and Stefan got kidnapped for their special doppelgänger blood but mysteriously got let go for no reason. They didn't complain though as they left and tried to get back to Mystic Falls as fast as they could

Damon also kidnapped Marcos' Traveler buddies from the caves under the town and put them spread out all around his house

Successfully, for Markos, his Traveler friends who were inside the fellow residence of Mystic Falls gathered in the town Square to start the dangerous spell which will make magic obsolete. Making witches unable to use magic. Vampires will return to their dead human state causing havoc for the supernatural group of Mystic Falls

Caroline, Bonnie and Chris were trying to quickly pack their bags since if they don't move then their vampire friends will be toast "Hello! Death is literally at our door why are you just sitting there" Caroline shouted at Bonnie

"I think I know how to get everyone back from the Other Side. But I need to find Enzo"

"Well hurry up and find him then. Me and Caroline will do this then meet you at the regrouping spot okay" Chris said which Bonnie nodded and tried to find Enzo while Caroline went out to her car and drove to where Stefan was and met up with him. Chris told her to go and he would bring the rest of the stuff to them

Bonnie who was out in the hall, finally found Enzo. But sadly the plan went the way they didn't want, the girl who could've helped got sucked Into nothing like Katherine once did. While talking to Enzo she spotted someone over his shoulder "Stefan" She whispered and shook her head "This can't be happening"

"Please tell me you found a way to bring us all back" Stefan hoped

"I lost it" Bonnie hesitantly told him "I'm sorry" She said as he held her to cross to the Other Side to join all the other dead supernaturals who were in extreme danger

Finally Chris set out with his car full of items they would need until they sort this trouble out. While driving a guy walked into the road causing his to slam his breaks, once he regained his breath he looked up and saw it was Markos, Travelers started to surround him making Chris a little worried and majorly confused. He got out the car and stood by it "Not to be rude or anything but I have places to be"

"Christopher Bennett. We finally meet. I've been wondering when I'd finally get to be in your presence after hearing about you for so long"

"How did you hear about me?" Chris asked

"Witches on the Other Side don't really like your existence"

"Yeah I've heard that, a lot. And I still don't know what it means. Right now I don't care because as I said I'm really busy" Chris was about to go back into his car and run Markos over to move him

"Do you want to know?" Markos said. This enticed him a little "You don't use magic like other witches, you use your own. Magic that would destroy other witches. But they want you gone"

"Why, what have I done?"

"It's not what you've done, it's what you will do. You will do things that disrupt the natural order and you will spawn something that will be too much to contain, and even though we Travelers don't care about nature and their rules. Eventually it will harm us. So we have to do this"

TVD: Bennett Witches -Book 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora