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Abbys Home
3rd Person:

After the events of Damon turning Chris and Bonnies mom into a vampire, him, Bonnie and Caroline took Abby to her home so she has a familiar environment since she agreed to complete the transition and become a vampire

Bon and Chris watched as Caroline pulled up and got out her car with a little trunk looking little too happy "I totally lucked out. The hospital just has a blood drive, so I got some O negatives, some A's and my personal favourite B+. For some reason I get a O negative vibe if you were a vampire, Chris"

Chris pulled a face of disgust "Never say things like that again, Caroline. I would rather not"

Bonnie was ignoring them both being in her own mind staring at her mom who was wondering around her wilting garden "I made her a daylight ring. She's been standing out there all morning"

"She's still adjusting, it's only been a few days since she turned, give her time" Caroline answered her underline question she had

They all walked over to Abby who looks like she hasn't slept in weeks, staring at her garden standing in one spot "I can't feel it anymore. My garden, it's gone. I can't feel anything" She then stormed away back into her house leaving the three outside

"I don't understand" Caroline said in her confusion to which Bonnie bent down to Abbys withered garden

"Witches have a connection to the earth, we can litteraly feel magic. Life" She cupped her hands under a dead flower, the wind picked up around them a little and a healthy, purple flower sprouted from the soil "When Abby became a vampire, she lost it"

"So you can lose your abilities?" Caroline asked

"When trying to appose nature or being an opposition of nature, a lot of things can happen. Like being a vampire since you can't be a vampire and a witch at the same time or using things like dark magic" Chris explained

"But you used dark magic and you seem fine" Caroline spilled to which Bonnie gave Chris a sharp look

Chris shook his head at Caroline "Really!"

"You were using dark magic! Were you ever going to tell me" Bonnie shouts

"Fine since blondy here spilled the beans. Yes" Bonnie scoffed "But it was to help and save everyone from creepy momma witch. And for the record it worked until Damon had to shove his big nose into other peoples buisness"

"I thought you said there were consequences, and again, you seem fine" Caroline pointed out

"If my mom being turned into a vampire and losing her magical connection is the definition of fine. Then I guess I am" Chris said then walked off to go back into the house

"Point taken" Caroline said then they followed him back in. Caroline went to around back to Jamie while Bonnie followed Chris into the house to make some dinner

After being lectured by Caroline about Abby and vampires, Jamie came into the house where Bonnie was frying some food in a pan and Chris was setting up a table. They were flirting a little which gave Chris a sick feeling

Suddenly there was yelling, Bonnie and Chris ran into a room and there was Abby digging into Jamie's neck like she was having an afternoon snack. Bonnie quickly buzzed Abbys brain which got her to release Jamie. He fell to the ground to which Bonnie caught him and Chris got in between his mom and Jamie to stop another attack

Abby ran out of the house and Chris followed her out with a blood bag to satisfy her thirst "Come on you have to drink this, it will help"

"I almost killed him" Abby said while pacing around

TVD: Bennett Witches -Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang