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Prison World
3rd Person:

Chris was back in the Salvatore house alone. After killing Kai, Chris took the Ascendant and left his dead body in the eclipse cave

In the house he was very alone. It was eerily quiet and he tried to keep himself busy by patching himself up from injuries and then walking around doing random activities to keep himself busy

Eventually he sat on the couch beside the fire with his eyes closed not knowing what to do besides be in his own head. He didn't know what to do now that he was alone

His eyes then widened as the front door opened. What? No he wouldn't?

"Chris?" An annoying voice called from the doorway "Chris!" Kai yelled louder

Chris sighed regretting not wanting peace. Hearing Kai say one word makes him want to beg for that soul crushing peace once again. Kai walked in and over to Chris and put his arms up as if to say 'why aren't you listening'

"What do you want, Kai?" Chris complained

"Missed you too, Chris" He smirked "We need to talk"

A sigh escaped Chris' lips. The last thing he wanted right now was to make chit chat with this man who probably wanted to kill him "Fine" Chris grumbled

"Great" Kai rubbed his hands together mischievously then jumped onto the chair beside Chris which made Chris move over a little away from him

"What do you want to talk about?" Chris asked bluntly, wanting whatever Kai wanted, to be over with

"What I want to talk about is how the hell to get out of this place faster than waiting for someone to come get you, since you-" his words started to become bitter as he spoke, his temper getting bigger. With pursed lips he stopped himself, inhaling deeply he tried to calm himself "-since you denied us the chance to leave"

Kais deep bluey grey eyes stared expectantly at Chris waiting for him to give him an answer "I have no magic, I told you. We can't leave. Plus you don't have the Ascendant so"

"Oh yeah. Where is the Ascendant anyway?" He asked looking around a little as if it's going to be on a shelf somewhere

"I hid it" Chris said with a condescending smirk "I took away the magic which gets you out and now the object that gets you out. Just to make it that bit harder"

"Oh come on. I can't do this anymore, Chris. I don't want to be trapped here anymore" Kai pleaded in a moment of desperation

"There is no way else to get out. And besides, even if there was, I wouldn't help you. I'm not letting you out of here" Chris let the words spew out of his mouth. But he hoped to god that it wasn't true, he needed a way out

Kais lips then twitched into a smirk, he chuckled a little "Then tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now if your useless to me" Kai threatened, as he quickly lunged on top of Chris, his large hand wrapped around his neck

The pressure was intense but his grasp didn't last as Chris overpowered him and shoved him off, flipping them over in one swift movement and gripping his throat with his own hand "Because you won't be able to. We're both without magic so we're just two humans. And with my experience I'm sure I can over power you" Chris then released him and sat back down properly "Also you'd be alone again for the rest of your life"

Kai sat back up with a grin pulling up on his lips "You're feisty. I like that" He teased while straightening himself on the couch, he then cocked his eyebrows at Chris "Are you telling me you'd be stuck here with me indefinitely?" He asked

"Hell no. I'm not fine with that, Kai" Chris snapped at him "But since you ruined my chance to get home, I guess I'm going to have to deal with it for however long"

TVD: Bennett Witches -Book 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin