108)Siphons and Monsters

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Multi Phone Conversation
3rd Person:

Damon was at the Armoury where he was carruing large gas barrels trying to find a way to get into the building since Chris sealed it shut so no one could open it again.

He was on the phone to Stefan and Caroline, who were on the road. Chris, who was also on the road following Stefan to get away from Bonnie and Enzo who was currently at the Mental Health Centre trying to find out what the creature in the Armoury is

Stefan: "You haven't heard from him?"

Damon: "Nope. Which means, to absolutely no ones surprise, Donovan failed, and now Bonnie's Huntressing in the wild

Stefan: "All right. But where is she now?"

Chris: "Coming after one of us. Obviously"

Enzo: "Weren't you three meant to be on a plane?"

Stefan: "Flights got cancelled because of the storm. So the three of us are on the road. Where are you?"

Damon: "I'm in solution land, baby. There's a preserved body in the Armoury called the final Everlasting" He said dramatically "All we have to do is destroy that, and Bonster is a monster no more"

Chris: "I thought I already told you that if you kill the Everlasting, then Bonnie would die along with it. And so would all of us"

Enzo: "I've been told differently"

Caroline: "Uh, by who, someone who wants us dead?"

Enzo: "A descendant of the people who created Rayna Cruz"

Chris: "Yeah the people who hate us. I feel so reassured in this plan"

Enzo: "Well, whether we believe them or not, it's Bonnie's only chance"

At the Armoury, Damon assembled three large gas tanks infront of the two large double doors. He opened the valves, releasing the gas they contain into the air. He then picked up a gasoline can and left a trail to burn then tossed the can away from him

Damon: "Look, best case scenario, we destroy it, everything goes back to normal. Worst case scenario, we all die and Stefan lives to tell the tale of our demise to the lovely Elena"

Caroline: "Are you forgetting about the other problem that's in there?"

Enzo: "Oh, you mean the ambiguously terrifying monster from the vault? I'm on it. Perhaps once it's less ambiguous, it will be less terrifying"

Chris: "Guys, none of this matters. I sealed the whole Armory. I can't get in which means you can't get in"

Damon: "Don't tell me what I can't do" He then set the trail of gasoline he created alight, that lead up to the large Armory doors creating a large explosion. Damon looked back to see the Armoury was still well protected with Chris' sealing spell "I can't get in. Plan B. Stefan, call your ex. Valerie. She can siphon the seal"

Stefan: "That's great, but I have absolutely no idea where to find her"

Damon: "There is a third option. And let me just tell you, it is just adorable. The cutest little Plan Cs you've ev-"

Chris: "Hell no, Damon" He said infuriatingly that Damon would even suggest such a thing

Damon: "You didn't even let me finish"

Chris: "I don't care. Its a no"

Damon: "All they have to do is walk up to the door and put their tiny little siphon hands on it-"

Caroline in a stern voice joined in "No, my kids are staying out of this, Damon"

Damon: "It's for Bonnie!"

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