39)Dance Of Imortality

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Mystic Falls High
Christophers POV:

Me and Elena are walking around with Caroline helping her with sorting out this dance for the school. Elena picked up this hideous chandelier "Where do you want me to hang this thing?"

Caroline scrunched her face and snatched it out Elenas hand "You know what! If Rebekah wanted to hang this monstrosity, then she should've shown up and done it herself" She then passed it onto someone walking past "Just no"
Caroline's in a bit of a mood since Matt agreed with Rebekah that the 1920s themed party would be better than whatever idea Caroline originally had

"What are you doing!?" I hear Caroline shout at the two boys currently decorating. Me and Elena look at eachother shaking our heads "You can't just hang them. They're supposed to trickle down" She whines

"Trickle down" Jeremy mimics her and then they try and fix it

"Look at them, all bromancy" Caroline says to us while looking at them

"Yeah, I asked Matt to help Jeremy readjust. He even got his job back at the grill" Elena explained

"Well that was nice of Matt to do" I say while messing with some decorations Elena passed me. Caroline took them from me to properly sort them since I'm just ruining them

"The whole Alaric things got his stressed out" Elena says

"You sure it has nothing to do with witnessing you and Damon getting hot and heavy in a skeevy motel" Caroline judges. I snort at this and then grab some more items pretending to be busy

"I didn't tell you so you could torture me with it" Elena tells her

"At least you didn't have to see it in person" I say and Caroline laughs. Elena looks at me in the corner of her eye so I shoulder bash her "What are friends for if not to annoy one another" The girls chuckle

"So who you two bringing to the dance?" Caroline asks

"What you mean?" Elena puts on this black feathered scarf on "I thought the four of us were going together"

"Bonnie already has a date" Caroline informed us

"Erm, since when?" I ask not knowing about this. Elena gave a look aswell to say she didn't know

"Jamie called and wated to see her so she asked him" She then turns to Elena "Here's a thought. Why don't you ask Stefan?"

Elena pulls a shocked face "I can't do that. I just made out with his brother"

"All the more reason. Come on Chris, you agree don't you" Caroline pesters

"Don't get me involved in choosing. But you would probably already know my decision" I tell them

"Yeah because your both biased" Elena points out

"What....no" Caroline says

"100% yes" I say at the same time. Caroline gives me the stink eye "I chose the option of 'helpful friend'. I don't know what you were going for"

"I was going for, let her choose and hope she makes the 'right" decision" Caroline says more to me

"Hello. I'm standing right here" Elena says since we've been talking about her like she isn't

"Sorry but, Stefan is your epic love and I'm not going down without a fight" Caroline says sternly "Who are you going to bring, Chris?"

"Nobody" I sigh

Caroline gave me a stirn look and whined "What! You have to bring someone"

"No, because the person I would want to bring is busy so, I'm fine for now" I explain to her

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