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Three Years Ago
Whittmore College:

Bonnie just arrived at her dorm, looking depressed about everything that has happened, she walks up the stairs to the room she shared with Caroline and her brother, where she begins to pack up her things. She pulls photos of herself, Chris, Elena, and the others from the corkboard on the wall before putting Ms.Cuddles, which she wanted to give to Chris for Alex, and her other belongings into a cardboard box

She's in the middle of carrying one of the boxes toward the door when she sees the letter Damon left for her prior to his desiccation sitting on the dresser against the nearby wall. She sees her name written on the front in Damon's handwriting and flips it over to find the Salvatore wax stamp sealing it shut and pauses for a moment before unceremoniously shoving it into the box without opening it

She then heads toward the door, where she sees E.G., B.B., C.B., and C.F. carved into the door frame for Elena Gilbert, Bonnie Bennett, Christopher Bennett and Caroline Forbes and smiles sadly at the reminder of her best friends and how far away they are

She walks out the door and down the hallway to take the box to her car, but freezes in her tracks when she sees the shadows of several people entering the dorm.

They're clad in the typical black clothing of the Armory agents, and one pulled a tranquilizer pistol out of thigh holster. Terrified, Bonnie ducks around the staircase, shoving the box on a nearby table as the agents start to walk up the stairs.

Bonnie's breathing becomes rapid until suddenly, Chris appeared behind her and places his hand over her mouth, muffling her scream of fear

Bonnie and Chris watched as the agents continue to flood up the stairs for a moment before Chris vamp sped them away and hid himself and Bonnie on the floor behind a couch away from the Amoury people "Shh" Chris put his finger over his mouth signaling to Bonnie

The agents slowly make their way down the stairs and start to search the dorm. When they hear the characteristic whooshing noise that indicates a vampire super-speeding away, the agents become alarmed and head toward the couch, but when they look behind it, Bonnie and Chris had vanished

Chris vamp sped Bonnie away from the Amoury soldiers and let her go. Bonnie looked at him with wide eyes "What are you doing here? I thought you were in Dallas! What's going on!"

"Enzo warned me that the Armory wanted to bring us in. And I'm not going to let them" Chris informed her

Bonnie looked at him with appreciation of his efforts to save her "Thank you. What do we do n-"

Before she could ask questions, Chris quickly pulled out a syringe and jams it into Bonnie's arm, injecting her with the anti-magic sedative made from Rayna's blood. Bonnie gasps in surprise "Oh..."

Bonnie passed out and went limp in his arms "You should've just took my offer. This is the only other thing we could think of"

Present day
Dallas Home:

Chris heard a knock on his houses front door, when he opened it, to his surprise he saw Stefan standing on his doorstep. Stefan looked awkward and uncomfortable about coming here "Hi"

Chris sighed a little "Look, whatevers wrong. I'm busy"

He was about to close the door on Stefan "No. No, no unbusying things, no scar, no running from Rayna. And thank you for your help with that, by the way"

"Not like I had a choice, but you're welcome anyway. As usual, Bennett to the rescue" Chris smiled sarcastically

Stefan looked awkward "So, anyway, I was actually hoping to, uh, speak to Caroline"

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