40)Dark Comings

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3rd Person:

Damon woke up with a groan and looked around holding his head up "Bonnie" He muttered, looking around again he spotted Chris lying at the bottom of a tree "My god, Chris!?" He ran over to him to quickly examine him and saw some blood pouring down the back of his head. Instantly, Damon bit his wrist while holding Chris' head, forcing him to guzzle blood

Chris woke up all healed thanks to Damon, he choked on a weird disgusting taste that was flooding his mouth "Please be alive. Or else Bonnie would slowly crumble me into oblivion" He said really quickly as Chris opened his eyes "Even thought this wasn't really my fault" He muttered to himself

Chris heard him and punched him in the shoulder "Cut it out. Where's Bonnie? Is she okay?"

Damon shrugged "I don't know, I was helping you"

Chris tried to get up quickly and go to the crypt. He ran in and saw Bonnie lying on the ground with blood pouring from her neck "BONNIE!!" He shouted "Damon!!" Chris screamed, he came in and quickly bent down and gave her some of his vampire blood

"You two best not die anytime soon considering all this blood I've gave you" Damon warned

"Don't be an idiot" Chris says as he holds onto his sister who started to wake up "Bonnie. Thank god"

With Damons help Chris managed to get Bonnie up and well, with the new troubles ahead of them the three of them decided to go to Elenas where Damon said Stefan was also.

While holding up Bonnie Chris knocked the door to which Stefan opened and let us in. Stefan got some towels to help clean up the witch twins while complaining "What do you mean he turned? I thought you were guarding him?"

Damon tried to pass on the blame to someone else "What? Blame the blood bank over here. She fed him" He said while nodding over to Bonnie

"I had no idea what was happening. The witches led me their, they wanted him to turn" Bonnie defended

"It was like you were possessed. You even threw me into a tree" Chris held onto the back of his head as if the wound was still their even though he was healed

"Omg, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to" Bonnie apologied

Chris chuckled "I know, as I said, you were possessed. You were really strong though"

"Well where's the stake?" Stefan asked

"You mean the one that can kill an Original and wipe out an entire line of vampires? Which includes us. We don't know" Damon says staring at Bonnie as if it was her fault

"If you are so upset with me, why'd you feed me your blood to save my life?"

"Because I do stupid things. Like let my friend die with dignity instead of just killing him. And technically Chris shouted for me to heal you so"

"That's not helping, Damon!!" Chris shouted at him

"Yeah well, you were no help either. How is nearly dying gonna help us, how about use your witchyness to be useful for a change?" Damon complained

"For a change? Who was the one who broke the barrier and stopped Esther in the first place, you know, when you killed our mom even though I sorted out the problem" Chris argued back

"You did that for your old vampy boyfriend and his abnormal family, not us"

"Because my feelings towards him and good ones, unlike the ones for you which is nothing but hatred. Anything I do that accidentally benefits you is only for my sister and friends"

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