44)Victims or Killers

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Whitmore College
Christophers POV:

Me and Bonnie got invited to this college where our Grams previously taught at. The person who invited us was a guy who took over her class when she passed.

Unfortunately me and Bonnie can never get anytime to ourselves because Elena and Damon crashed our little trip since Elena wanted Damon to teach her how to feed without killing, so in the end we ended up going in Damons car

"Are you sure your okay with this?" Elena asked Bonnie while getting out the car

"If I could spell you our of wanting blood, I would. But I can't. So better you learn now rather than at freshmen orientation" She replied

"I'm starting to think that college isn't in my future anymore" Elena sulked

I laughed a little at her "Don't tell Caroline that, she'll rip your heart right out"

"Oh, stop with the pity party. If I can go to college, you can go" Damon tells us

I snorted at him "You....went to college?"

"Sure. Plenty of times. Always had a thing for sorority girls" He smirked while looking at the people around the campus

"Your a pig" I told him

"I know" He whispered at me. We then started to walk to where we needed to go while Damon kept staring at people's behinds. This made me smack the back of his head

We got inside to the lecture hall of the guy who invited us here, we snook in quietly as to not disturb everyone. But the girls had other ideas

"Is that him?" Elena asked a little intrigued

"Oh yeah" Bonnie responds smiling

"He's kind of--"

"Hot?" They both giggle along with eachother

Me and Damon looked at eachother and rolled our eyes "You guys have no taste. Look at his face" I whispered while the lecture guy rambled on about supernatural creatures: witches, ghosts, dopplegangers

Damon and Elena kept talking so Bonnie told then to shut up. Which they wouldn't do so the lecture guy called them out on it which made me laugh. They deserved it

After the class we spoke to the guy for a little, his name was Shane, he said he would get some stuff for us that Grams had here which would now rightfully be ours. He gave us a leaflet inviting us to a Murder House party

"Ooo your gonna be eating very well tonight" Damon said rubbing his hands together, obviously he can't wait to try make Elena a proper vampire "So what are we going as, victims or killers"

We ended up deciding Damon would obviously be a killers and he dressed up as Jack the Ripper. Since he took the one I wanted I just decided to go as a victim with Elena and Bonnie. Sums up out lives....

I wore some retro clothes with rip lines and blood to simulate a victim while Damon wore a big hat and cloak. The girl wore dresses and have marks across them that show they've been 'rippered'

We walked through the door of the murder House. The goal was for Damon to teach Elena about all things vampire and control while me and Bon would go and find the Professor.

A random guy came up to us at the door "Hey. I'm Frankie, unassuming Serial Killer" He says wobbling about, obviously dunk considering he's holding a big glass but it's nearly empty

"I'm Jack and these are the three people I just rippered" Damon said then looked at us and shrugged

"Welcome to the Murder House. Bloody Marys are free until midnight. Enjoy yourselves" Then he wobbled away

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