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Christopher's POV:

After the events of the vampire device, Caroline, Tyler and Matt got into a crash which ended with Caroline being in the hospital. Me and Bonnie go to the hospital to check on her, we see Matt sitting on a bench in the corridor so we go and sit by him "How's Caroline?" Bonnie asks him

Matt shakes his head sadly "She's not good guys. We were driving and Tyler heard this noise"

"A noise" Bonnie whispered under her breath. She's going to probably blame herself now for this

Matt carried on "He got this like migraine or something, and lost control of the car and I thought Caroline was fine and then.....then she wasn't"

Bonnie stood up and walk away.

After a while I found her and grabbed her arm "Hey, she will be fine"

Behind us Elena came running over "How's Caroline?" She asks us

Bonnie tells her "She's weak. They don't know if she's gonna make it"

"Hey, this is Caroline were talking about. If anyone could tell death to back off, it would be her" I say trying to maybe lighten the mood, but I don't think It's working

"Is there anything one of you could do? A spell or something?" Elena asks us. What does she think we are, miracle workers. We may be a bit better at this witch thing but come on Elena

"Elena were not miracle workers" I whisper but they heard

Behind us someone comes up to us "They don't know? Do you?" Damon comes walking towards us, being a twat

"No" Bonnie bluntely says

"No, you don't. Because it took Emily uears to learn how to do a spell like that" He mocks

"No need to be a dick Damon, I know it's in your nature. We may not know how to do everything yet but we could easily take you down if we tried" I said staring at him with a blank face

Bonnie joins in "Yeah, that spell was easy to learn"

"So was this one" I grabbed his arm and burned him a little, he pulled back his arm with an ouch and frowned his eyebrows at me

Damon turns to Elena "I could give Caroline some blood" he tells her seriously

"No, no way" She immediately says

"Just enough to heal her. She'll be safe in the hospital. It'll be out her system in a day she will be better"

"It's too risky. I can't agree to that"

"Yeah well I can" I tell her. Elena just looks at me weirdly

"What we can't give her vampire blood"

"We can and we will. I don't understand when everything became your decision Elena but Carolines the one in the hospital bed. Not you. So Damon give her the blood. Bonnie you agree don't you?" We all turn and look at Bonnie

"100%. This is Caroline. Okay? We can't let her die" She looks at Damon seriously "So do it"

"I'll do it. If it means you two and me could call it a truce?"

Me and Bonnie look at eachother and back at Damon "No" "But you'll do it anyway. For Elena" Bonnie adds, oooo she's manipulating him. Go Bonnie

Me and Bonnie walk off to go to and check up on Caroline. We go to her room and find out Matt is still here, he's been waiting all night for her. We find out Damon actually came, meaning he gave her his blood

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