54)Made of Stone

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3rd Person:

Chris and Bonnie needed to get rid of Silas once and for all, so to do this Bonnie wanted to try and call on Qetsiyah to find a way to put him down. While Bonnie went on with the plan, Stefan hesitantly called Chris. The reason for this was because Katherine released Elena and she was out their probly about to cause havoc. He hesitated because Chris should be the last person he should call to try and find her, but he was running out of options

Chris did a locator spell to find her and he drove into the woods where she was. He got out the car and saw a groaning Elena lying on the ground, weak "Please. Help" She said pathetically not knowing it was him since his car lights were shinning in her eyes "Chris. Thank god you found me" She said and her eyes turned red and was about to attack him

"Elena stop. Do you really want to go over what we did before" Chris warned her

"I'm a vampire, Chris. The thing about vampires is that we need to feed" She went to jump at him again but Chris threw her back into a tree and she fell on the ground

"You can try and be all no humanity all you want. But it's not going to work on me" He said while she groaned on the ground "Now, turn your emotions back on"

"I don't care, Chris. What don't you understand. I'm so hungry....." Elena went to attack again so Chris made her fall to the ground on her knees

"I'm done being nice" He then caused her unrelentless pain, difference is this time. There was no one to stop him. Elena screamed in pain as Chris caused every nerve, every vein, every atom in her body to fell like their burning "Give up yet?"

But nothing worked "You'll never force it, Chris. Just give up while your ahead" She said weakly

"Chris!!" Stefan shouted as he and Damon was coming towards him

Chris groaned but Elena gave him a thought....force "Looks like we're out of time Elena" Chris focused his power on her mind and brain

"Chris? What are you doing!!" Damon shouted as Chris then closed his eyes and swiped his wrist across the air making Elena fall flat to the ground. Stefan and Damon arrived and saw them both "What have you done?" Damon shouted

"What I had to" Chris smiled proudly

Elena groaned while getting up off the ground holding her head, she looked up and saw them "Damon?"

Damon ran down to her "What did you do?" Stefan asked

"An act of....humanity" He laughed

Elena started to cry and stood up pushing Damon away "Hey, Elena its okay"

"No. No no, no. Its not okay. What have I done" She kept repeating while crying "I almost- no. Chris, Bonnie. Caroline. I just, no no that waitress" She shoved Stefan out the way "I actually killed that waitress. No, no I killed that waitress" She slammed her hands into Chris' car window and shattered it which made Damon grab her and lock her arms

"Hey! Your paying for that!" Chris shouted

"Hey, hey. Look at me. Look at me. I know this stage, okay? The emotions are overwhelming you. You just have to focus on one thing, okay?" Stefan said trying to calm her down

"No I can't. I can't" She continued to cry shaking her head in disbelief of all the bad she's done

"Just find that one thing inside of you that makes you strong. It's in there. Just latch onto it. Channel everything you're feeling into that one emotion" Stefan was trying to convince her and make it as good as he could "Find the one thing inside of you that makes you want to live. Elena, let it in. Let it in"

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