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Mikaelsons Mansion
Christopher's POV:

Feeling out of place right now as I stand behind Elijah, witnessing this family feud before me. All of the siblings but Klaus stood together close to where I'm standing "We're leaving you Nik. And you will be alone. Always and Forever" Rebekah says in a tone implying that she truely meant it

Fustrated Klaus stands straight "If you run. I will hunt all of you down" He threatened his siblings. I mean I hope, because against an angry Klaus I don't know how long I would survive in this world

"And then you will become everything you hate" Elijah says going to stand away from me, more infront of his siblings to look at Klaus more clearly as he directly spoke to him "Our father"

Looking extremely pissed Klaus shouts "I'm the hybrid.....I can't be killed" Looking at each one personally he spat "I have nothing to fear from any of you"

"You will when we have that coffin" Elijah told him. Klaus and Elijah exchanged looks, Klaus looked as if he felt betrayed while Elijah looked a bit done with all his schemes and threats

Suddenly a click is heard from behind me and we all turn around, in walks in a woman-- a woman I've seen before from when Klaus forced me and Bonnie to find out how to make his hybrids survive transition. The same one who told me that Elena needed to die after I did that spell which ended up with me having a weird out of body experience. Same face. Same rugged clothes. Hair. Everything

"Mother" Rebekah cries out

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"Mother" Rebekah cries out. I've spoken to the Mikaelsons mother, without knowing it. How is she even here. She was dead. Wasn't she? Too much information is spinning around in my brain to catch up with any event that's going on

She walks over to Klaus who looks down in fear. An emotion I've not seem him in, not as bad as when he shown emotions against Mikael before he got killed. But it seemed worse when facing someone like his mother "Look at me!" She demands in a strong voice to which Klaus obeyed, slowly lifting his head as frightened tears rolled down his face "Do you know why I'm here?"

In a terrified, shaken voice he softly whispers "Your here to kill me?"

"Niklaus. You are my son. And I am here to forgive you" She slowly spins around and looks at the rest of the Mikaelson children "I want us to be a family again"

Through a gap in her many children where they stand, she spots me behind them and for a split second looks puzzled. But then she smiles at me. But I got this weird feeling, there's just something about her that sets me off because behind that smile didn't scream love, or promise of a family reunion. It screamed plans, schemes, maybe even danger that we should all watch out for.

Which I will.....

I slowly walk backwards and leave before things either start up or people start talking to me since I feel like a stalker right now. As I walk down the path back to my car I hear a whooshing sound in the wind, I slowly look around and I see no one....okay. I finally get to my car and as I'm about to open the door I see a figure in the window coming towards me

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