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3rd Person
Salvatore House:

Elena is sitting by the fire with a blanket crying over the loss of her best friend as Stefan walks into the house and over to her "I couldn't find him anywhere Elena I'm sorry. But im sure he will turn up. He probably needs time to himself" He says talking about Chris. After the Bonnie situation he disappeared without telling anyone and Elena asked Stefan to try and find him but he had no luck

Stefan then tries to comfort her but it makes it worse "This is my fault" She cries

Stefan tries to comfort her again "No no no, this was Klaus. Klaus did this"

The sound of the front door can be heard and someone comes in "Chris?" Elena shouts but it's Damon walking in

Elena then jumps up rapidly "What did you do with her?"

Damon walks over "Will you please calm her down?" He tells Stefan

Elena starts to get mad "Don't talk like I'm not standing right in front of you!"

"Please. Calm. Down" Damon asserted

"You knew. Didn't you?" Elena cries "You knew that if she harnessed all that power, she would die, didn't you? And that's happened and now we can't find Chris and he's probably going crazy"

"Yes" Damon says bluntly

"Gah" Elena screams then gives Damon the most powerful slap ever. But it doesn't affect him much since he's a vampire

"You need to listen to me and prepare for what I'm about to say. And as for Chris he will be fine. Trust me" Finally Elena calms down enough so then Damon can tell her the truth

"Bonnie had to die. Klaus using Alarics body was a total surprise and she wasn't prepared to deal with it. And we wouldn't be able to stop him unless he knew she was dead. He needed to believe it. Bonnie is okay"

They are relieved to hear that Bonnie isn't actually dead "So where is Chris then. Does he know?" Elena asks

"He was in on it. He's probably with her now. Don't worry" Then Damon walks away from the scene

After a little bit Elena and Bonnie ended up on video chat to see each other. To see that Bonnie is actually alive. Bonnie tries to apologise but Elena is just happy that she's okay "There wasn't enough time to tell you, only Damon and Chris knew. I'm sorry"

"It's okay. Im just glad your safe. Where is Chris then is he there with you?"

Bonnie then creases her eyebrows and looks at her with confusion "No. Elena, he's not here. Only me and Jeremy are"

"Where is he then!"

After that Elena makes the decision of taking things into her own hands. Bonnie is alive and safe but Chris has disappeared and her and everyone elses are still in danger. So she goes to the basement to undagger Elijah from his slumber hoping he will be able to help

Alarics Apartment:

"Yes do hurry. I'm anxious to get out of this body" Klaus complains to his witch, the witch leaves the room and Klaus shuts the door

Behind him he hears a groan and spins around with a smirk "Look whose finally awake"

Chris sits up from the couch he's on and holds his head which starts to pound "What the hell. Where am I" He looks up to see Alaric and gets confused but then remembers, Alaric isn't Alaric. In a panic he looks around and sees Elena making coffee. Why is she just casually making coffee with Klaus he thought. Ow wait, it's obvious Katherine he thought while still rubbing his head

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