41)New Beginnings

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3rd Person:

A few hours later when everyone split and went there ways, Elena ended up in hospital with a head injury and concussion. So before any Originals or Alaric found her, her friends took her back to the safety of her home. Matt and Tyler scowered the house in case anything was in there, Caroline made Elena tea and vodka but her and Tyler had to leave because they got called by their mom's

Eventually Stefan came by to also check on and look after Elena "I'm being over-coddled. I feel fine" Elena whined to the three boys in the kitchen who were setting the table for dinner

"Your on house arrest. Your surpose to be coddled" Stefan said

"But I wouldn't mind if you helped over here. I really don't know how to cut vegetables" Chris complained while he nearly accidentally chopped his finger off with a knife. Which with Stefan next to him wouldn't be a great idea

"Here give it to me" Stefan said dropping the bits of food he was trying to make. He came over to take the knife from him and do the cutting himself

"Why don't we just get you out of town?" Matt told her as he put the plates all around the kitchen table

"And do what? Be on the run? No thank you" She stood up and rolled her blanket in her arms "And I'm not an invalid. Im done with this couch" She then walked off towards upstairs

Matt turned to Stefan "So you're just gonna let her call the shots?"

He shrugged his shoulders "I let her make her own decisions"

"Even if they're wrong?" Matt says, because some of the times decisions are questionable

"Nothing wrong with free will, Matt. Trust me..." Stefan says as he drops the knife and strolls over to him

"She doesn't really have free will entirely" Chris says which makes Stefan look at him weird "Well when she makes decisions to do something you or Damon stop her. Granted their stupid decisions but still..." Stefan and Matt just glance at one another "See, you can't say I'm wrong"

"Stefan" They hear a quiet voice from Elena speak. She was at the door with it wide open. Chris comes over and stands by Stefan to see whose at the door

"Elijah..." Chris says a little shocked he's here. But considering Damon has his brother right now somewhere unknown to him, Elijah coming was inevitable

"Hello again"

Elijah comes in and they all sit at the kitchen table to speak about the situation at hand "All we need is to take that stake away from. Once he's been disarmed the weapons in my possession and my family will scatter to the ends of the earth, and Alaric will follow"

"So your plan is to just....run?" Chris asked

"We've done it before. Klaus and Rebekah spent 1000 years evading my father. What's another half-century while Elenas able to live out her natural life?" He responds

"We finally stopped him, Elijah. After everything he's done to us I can't just let you bring him back" Elena reminded him, even though he would already know what his own brother is like

"I give you my word, Elena" Typical Elijah say seriously "I will not revive Klaus within yours, nor even within your children's lifetimes" He says while straightening up the plate on the table. He says more which is more for himself "Prehaps it'll teach him some manners"

"Why should she trust you? All you've done is screw her over" Matt says

"Matt..." Chris scolded him

He was interrupted by Elijah "No, he's right. For that I am ashamed. But she could've been dead the moment I walked through that door tonight so, Elena, I leave the decision to you, whether to trust me or not" Chris gave Elijah a judgy, confused look as to him, he just said two dumb things. Elijah saw his look and raised his eyebrow funnily which made Chris silently chuckle and smile

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