105)Vampire Souls

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On The Road, Driving
3rd Person:

Enzo was driving his car, with Bonnie riding shotgun and Damon stretched out in the backseat next to Chris, where he's calling Rayna for information on where they're headed, on speaker phone so everyone else could hear them

Rayna was still in the storm cellar of Enzos safe house, where she's sitting in a dusty corner surrounded by all of the pages of her still in progress hit list

"Ground control to Rayna Cruz. What's our mission?" Damon asked her

"I'm sending you back towards Texas, where the Hell Stone got destroyed"

Rayna screws up her face in concentration as she tries to work through all the visions currently flooding her mind

"Think of that as the center of the blast. Vampire souls scattered out in all directions, landing every which way. I can see the places they go and the people they kill, things they see with their eyes"

Rayna closes her eyes and concentrates even harder before she continues "Your next target is in Richmond. Inside a bright, clean room"

Damon scoffs sarcastically at this "Oh, yeah. I know exactly where that is"

Bonnie sighed impatiently "Please tell us you're gonna give us more clues than that"

"You will, as they come to me" She scolded and sighed in frustration, but when she speaks again, her voice is softer and kinder "I...I know it's not a lot to go on, but I'm hoping we can put together enough so that you guys can prove your effectiveness"

Damon gasps dramatically as he looks at the other three who were in the car with him "Wow. You guys hearing this? Sorry, I'm just having a lot of difficulty wrapping my head around this new, cooperative team leader version of you. You've always hated us"

"Yeah, but I'm tired. Multiple lifetimes-tired. You realize that in over a hundred years on this planet, I've never had even one day off. I just want a day without vampires. One free day where I can....feel the sun on my face, eat a cheeseburger, watch the ocean. Enjoy a few simple pleasures, for once. And then go to sleep"

"Where are you sending us next?" Chris asked him

Rayna concentrates and makes a disgusted face "....I'm seeing a lot of teeth"

Dentist Office:

In the reception area of a dentist office in Richmond, a vampire was viciously feeding on an older woman who was waiting in the lobby, he was pinning her against the wall next to an advertisement for the office

Just then, Damon appeared behind the big vampire and saw that everyone in the room was dead, having been fed on by this guy "I hope word of this doesn't get out. People already hate going to the dentist"

The vampire stopped feeding on the woman and threw her to the ground carelessly when he heard Damons voice. He turned around angrily and walked towards him

Damon ran at him with speed to try and restrain him but the vampire in his anger managed to gain the strength to throw Damon around him and into a glass window, which makes Damon groan as he falls against the ground on his side

As Damon got up slowly, Enzo came into the building and vamp sped to the man to put him into a headlock, unfortunately for him the man swung his head back and headbutted Enzo causing his neck to snap and knocks him out. This allows the vampire to grab and swing Enzo around to fling him at Damon knocking both of them away from him

Suddenly then Chris ran into the room, seeing them two fail he uses his magic to subdue the vampire which allows him to thrust his hand into the guys hard chest and pull out the remains, dropping his bleeding heart onto the ground beside the grey body.

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