17)Tied Up

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Christopher's POV:

Last night me and Elijah had a nice time talking, laughing watching movies together, but sadly he had to leave. Although he did invite me to go with him to this Historical society thing at the lockwood mansion which sounds completely boring but Elijah wants me to go with him so, why not

Elijah also told me about a deal that he made with Elena, that he will protect her family and friends and then he will use Elena to lure out Klaus, then kill him

A person I'll probably need to watch out for though is Damon, he seems to have a vendetta against like, everyone. Major trust issues

Lockwood Mansion:

I came to this event with Elijah. Others are here such as Jenna and Alaric but right now Carol Lockwood is currently talking Elijahs ear off, I really don't know how he puts up with these people. I don't like Carol much like how I didn't like the old Mayor before he died. Come to think of it Tyler also annoys me. Maybe its just the Lockwoods then

Carol turned and spoke to me "I didn't know you knew Elijah, Chris?"

"Yeah, we're friends with a similar interest in the history of this town" I lied out my ass, Elijah pulled a face at me that showed me he knew I was lying

"Well that's.......nice I guess" That was a bit rude, this is why I hate her. I look around the room and see that Damon has entered the room with some woman

He sees Carol and walks over and they greet eachother "Elijah, I want you to meet Damon Salvatore"

"Such a pleasure to meet you" Damon claimed "Hello, Bennet boy" he smirked

"Pleasures mine" Elijah friendly greeted him and shook his hand

"Hello, Salvatore" I stressed refusing his hand, we already know eachother I don't need to shake his hand

I looked around for an escape and I saw Jenna not far from me and I got her attention and mouthed 'help me' to her. She laughed and came over "Chris could I speak to you for a moment" She gave Damon a dirty look and pulled me away

"Thank you, your a life saver"

"How many did you need to escape from then" She laughed

"2/3, care to guess?" I suggested

"Salvatore and Lockwood" Jenna guessed tilting her head a bit

"Ding ding ding, we have a winner" I concluded while pretending to wave a bell in my hand

Salvatore House:

While the event happened apparently Damon was being, well Damon and went toe to toe with Elijah. Elijah won apparently but he is an original so he would.

I barge into the house and walk into the living room to charge at Damon "What the hell is wrong with you. Do you want Elena to die?"

"What the hell are you doing in my house witch boy?" Damon muttered while lying on his couch with his hands behind his head just then a massive crash can be heard echoing throughout the house

Damon shoots up and walks towards it and I follow, down the corridor we see Alaric except he has a knife shoved through his intesines. He then falls to the ground and suddenly this guy jumps from out of knowhere and pushes me to the side making me knock my head on a table which makes me dizzy

I can kind of see Damon trying to fight that guy who is currently on his back but then this other guy comes over and grabs me by the back of my collar and drags me across the room and ties me to a chair. I then hear something snap and a massive painful feeling shoots through me from my leg, I scream in pain but can't move due to me being tied down, I feel as if im going to pass out

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