29)Happy Birthday, Caroline

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Forbes House
3rd Person:

Since its Carolines birthday today Chris, Elena, Bonnie and Matt go to surprise her at her house since she hasn't been to school so the gang can be with her. They're all wearing party hats, holding balloons and celebration signs

They hear Caroline walk into her house and place her keys and bag down while huffing. They all jump out from around a corner screaming "Surprise!!" Making Caroline jump back in shock giving her a heart attack if that would even be possible "Happy birthday!!"

"What are you guys doing here?" Caroline asks still shocked but also a bit confused, although she can see them all with the decor

"Well you blew off school and missed our work of birthday art extravaganza" Elena says while taking off the fluffy birthday crown from her head and places it gently on the birthday girls head

" So, go change into some warmer clothes we're going to the falls" Bonnie tells her

"Yes! We're gonna have s'mores and cake and a campfire. It's gonna be epic" Chris says really exited, jumping for joy

"Yeah just like when we were little" Elena reminisces about the old times

"Except with tequila" Matt sings, making Caroline chuckle

"Thanks guys. But I'm just not really feeling my birthday this year" Caroline sighs

"What! Noo, I really wanted s'mores" Chris complains while pulling a pouty face making Matt laugh

"Ow come on Care. You already claimed your birthday as everyones favourite day of the yeah" Bonnie says chuckling

Caroline then puts a damper on their possitive moods "Yeah, and now it's just a reminder that technically I'm dead. I didn't even like 17. The only point of 17 was to get to 18. It's a filler year, I'm stuck in a filler year" She complains

Elena shakes her head "You are not stuck Caroline" Trying to make it not seem so bad

"Yeah I am" She argues back "But it's okay. You know, it's all good. I will be fine. But I just need some time to wallow in it"

Elena huffs and nods her head as she has come up with an idea "Okay. I think I have another idea"

Fell Crypt
3rd person:

Elena decides to bring them all to the creepy cemetery and set up Carolines birthday bash in the Fell crypt. They all have bags full of food and alcohol and lanterns for light "This is creepy, even for us" Bonnie points out as they walk through the creeky steel gate

"No, Caroline was right. Technically she's dead" Elena says while Caroline huffs "Sorry, Care. But you don't need a birthday. You need a funeral" She places a white box on a stone pillar and opens it "You need to say goodbye to your old life so that you can move on with your new one"

Caroline looks at all her friends and starts to chuckle taking off her birthday crown "Okay. Here lies Caroline Forbes"

"Cheerleader, Miss Mystic Falls, third grade hopscotch champion" Elena says while placing candles in the cake she has in the white box, this makes them all laugh

"Friend, daughter over-achiever" Bonnie adds on

"Little bit of a bitch. No offense" Chris says

Caroline shruggs and smirks "Ehh. None taken, it's true

Elena puts in the rest of her birthday candles "She was 17 and she had a really good life. So rest in peace so that you can move forward" After slotting all the candles, Elena picks up the cake and brings it to them as they all crowd around in a circle "Amen or cheers, or whatever"

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