13)The Moonstone

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Christopher's POV:
Mystic Grill:

Me and Bonnie went to the grill, I was trying to see if I could make her feel a bit better. We got drinks and sat down and what do you know in litteraly a minute of being here Stefan comes over to us. Can't we have one day.

He wants one of us to create a daylight ring for Caroline which I didn't even know we could make but I guess it would be cool to do. Except Bonnie is being a bit awkward "I don't know how to make a daylight ring"

"Emily made mine and Damons. The instructions must be on the Grimoire" Stefan says

"That doesn't mean I can cast the spell" See what did I say she's being awkward and kind of annoying

"I'll do it" I interupted "I'll try at least"

"Thank you, Chris" Stefan tells me

Bonnie looks at me like I've just betrayed her "Chris! Caroline killed someone. We can't make it even easier for her to do it"

"Excuse me Bonnie but this is Caroline. Our friend. And its not like she wanted to kill that guy. This isn't like some normal murder that's happened its supernatural. And Stefan will help her with the whole vampire thing, but she isn't going to have a chance at control if she can't even be out in the day Bonnie"

"We need to give her the chance to be as normal as possible. A chance to survive. And everyday she gets cut off from her old life from you two, from Elena, from Matt. It'll make it even harder for her to hold onto her humanity" Stefan informs her

"But how will we know she won't hurt anyone else?" Bonnie wonders

"We don't Bonnie. But if we don't do everything we can to help her. We may aswell just stake her right now" He says

"Which isn't an option" I firmly say to them

"I don't know if I can trust her. Not with this" Bonnie says

"Well It's good that it isn't your decision then Bonnie. Because im doing it" I say

Forbes house:

I'm standing here in Carolines room with the Bennet Grimoire studying the spell to help Caroline with the whole sun burn thing. But she is just complaining

"So I don't even get to choose the ring I have to wear the rest of my life?" she moans while fiddling the ring we gave her to use

"Caroline, shut up or suffer with sunburn for the rest of your life" I say

"No, no. She doesn't want that" Stefan says as he's sitting in the chair waiting

"Now what?" She asks

"I'm going to explain the rules" Bonnie says ruining the mood. Ugh rules "The witch who spells the ring also has the power to de-spell it so if-"

I interupt her "So, even though im not going to be as harsh as Bonnie. I will say if any harm comes to any of us-"

"Im not going to hurt anyone" She interupts me. Rude. Even though I've interupted Bonnie numerous times.

"Caroline. Your a vampire. That urge to kill is apart of who you are" Bonnie tells her

"But, we trust you" they all look at me then Caroline looks at Bomnie then looks down "Okay well I at least trust you"

"Thank you Chris"

"Okay now, put the ring on the bed" She does as she's told and I open the curtains a little to put the sunlight on the ring to which Caroline panics and pulls her legs towards her chest. I look at the ring and close my eyes and start to mutter the spell. When I finish I pick it up and pass it to Caroline

"Is that it? Nothing witchy happened, no gust of wind, flickering lights. Have you even done this before?" She starts to annoy me, like I just believed in her and made a ring for her and get no appreciation

Bonnie walks over to the curtains and fully opens the curtains, exposing her to the sun light. Caroline cowers away squeeling from the light afraid of getting burned. Disbelief much. Bonnie then rips the book out of my hand and walks out with it "What the hell is up with her, she's never been this bad" I say out loud

Stefan looks at me sympathetically "Just give her some time to come to terms with all this change"

"She already had change, she's literally a witch that gives super powerful migranes and sets things alight with her mind. How much more time does she need"

Stefan comes over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder "Just wait a little more, maybe you accepted this change easier than her. Just give her time. She'll come around" I smile and thank him

"Okay......awkward 'bro' moment over. You need to teach me things" She does air quotes with her fingers when she says bro. I shake my head at her and Stefan laughs. And we sit back down while Stefan talks Caroline through some things and I sit on my phone: messaging.

I laugh which gains the attention of Caroline "Who are you messaging?"

I look up all awkwardly smiling
".... No-one"

"Is it a guy. It's a guy isn't it?" Is she psychic, I thought she was a vampire

"Who even said I was messaging" She then vamp speeds at me and grabs my phone. Okay rude. And when did she even learn to do that

I jump up to grab my phone back before she can look at it but I'm too late

"Oooo, whose Elijah. Your boyfriend" She teases "Sounds old"

I finally grab my phone back "Erm, no just someone I met. I do have a life outside the supernatural you know. And it sounds hot not old you creep. Because of that, you can deal with Stefan alone. Im leaving. Bye Stefan, stuff you Caroline" And with that I pick up my bag and leave


Well, aparently there's another Supernatural category I need to watch out for: freaky werewolves. Or more accurately, Lockwolves. This new guy Mason who is Tylers uncle I think, aparently he's a werewolf which at this point isn't really that surprising to be fair.

There's also this stone thing people are looking for because of some sun and moon curse. But more importantly Katherine is looking for it, and is Katherine is looking for it that means we want it.

Carolines mom also tried to kill the Salvatores which also exposed Caroline to her which she is trying to deal with now

At the preperation for the Masquerade ball Damon basically forces Bonnie and me to help him with: the kidnapping of Mason lockwolf, the reason we helped is because Stefan asked nicely and also because of the Elena, Katherine doppelganger situation

Damon ties him up in his house. Hehe. While me, Bonnie and Caroline go and find the location of this moonstone item, which Bonnie thinks is in a well due to some mind searching on the tied up Lockwolf

We walk through the woods to find the well when Caroline stops walking then suddenly speeds away like road runner

We finally catch up and Caroline ran off because Stefan is stuck at the bottom of the well and it's filled with vervain water. So using the chain that's conveniently by the well, Caroline uses it to send Elena down and get Stefan up. Stefan finally gets out and I kneel down besides Stefan and check on him. Elena sais she has found the moonstone and Caroline pulls her out. She comes and checks on Stefan and quickly cuts herself on a nearby rock and uses her blood to feed bunny eating Stefan, but it does help him and that's all that matters

TVD: Bennett Witches -Book 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin