85)Many Talents

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Preview: In an effort to fit in Chris and Kai perform in the Mystic Grill singing competition

Parker Residence
3rd Person:

A loud thudding noise caused Chris to shoot up in his bed besides Kai who was still sleeping "What was that?" He gasped

The noise happened again which made Kai finally wake up with a groan "What's that noise?"

"I don't know. It's coming from outside" Chris told him

"I'll check it out" Kai got out of bed and looked out the window while turning the light on "I don't see anything. There's no reason to be-" The crash happened again which Kai jumped at and hopped back into bed under the covers "I think we should just stay here"

"I told you there's something out there" Chris bragged about being right

"Actually, I heard from some guys at work talking about some weird people in the neighbourhood. Now who knows what they would be up to. Robbing? Vandalising?"

Chris carried on his list "Making objects fly? Summoning object out of nothing?"

"Do you really think they meant us?" Kai questioned

The banging noise happened again which made Chris grab onto Kais chest under the covers "Alright I'm gonna check" Chris used his magic to open the curtains back up and they saw it was just a tree branch banging onto the window "Oh, well aren't we stupid"

Kai looked down and smirked "I like how you've used this opportunity to begin another opportunity"

Chris hummed while using his hand to move up Kais body "It is a great idea don't you think"


"Yes, Kai"

"Get the light"

Chris used his magic to turn the light off. Kai then grabbed Chris and rolled him on top of his body and smirked

Next morning:

Chris got up and saw Kai wasn't in bed so he made his way downstairs into the kitchen to see Kai making tea "Morning Mr Parker" Chris said happily walking over to him

"Morning other Mr Parker" Kai smiled handing him a cup of tea as Chris yawned heavily "Did I really tire you out that much?"

"How are you not tired?" Chris asked as Kai wrapped his arms around him

Kai kissed Chris on his neck "Mmm I could go on forever with you. Speaking of things to do with you-" Kai walked into the living room and Chris followed him

"What are you even doing in here?" He asked as he saw Kai with a microphone

"I found out what we could do later today" Kai held up his mic "There's a karaoke competition going on at the Grill later and I thought we could have a go"

"That's actually a fun idea. Plus it could help us appear as normal as possible" Chris told him

Kai then started to make the microphone in his hand start floating "Well, I don't think that's going to be a problem. We're perfectly normal" He laughed

Chris walked up to him and grabbed the mic from the air and spoke to him seriously "This is our home, Kai. I want us to be able to fit in without any problems at all. I don't want anything to go wrong. I wanna live a normal life"

Kai held Chris' arms and reassured him "Don't worry, we do fit in. And we will continue to do so. And we're gonna be the best and win this thing, okay?"

"Well I need to get to this planning meeting that's happening in town" Chris told him "I wanna be more involved"

Kai went and put his jacket on "I need to go aswell, actually. There's a gathering at the cafe about the security of this town. And after last night's fake scare I wanna check it out. Although that scare was very beneficial for me" He winked

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