2)Night Of the Comet

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Mystic Grill
Christophers POV:

The night of the comet is tonight which is when lots of us gather around to witness the passing of the comet but Grams as usual puts a witchy spin on it saying it signifys impending doom. But we're gonna watch anyway because who doesn't love impending doom

Im at the Mystic Grill with my sister and Caroline as Caroline is looking at Matt "Ugh, it's just so much drama. Ever notice how the druggies are the biggest attention whore?" talking about Vicki. Although Caroline love attention aswell. Actually come to think of it who doesn't, unless it's for the wrong reasons

We hum as our answer not actually caring till Stefan walks over to us "Excuse me hi" he says

"Why hello there", "Hi" me and Bonnie say as Caroline ignores him

He looks at us and smirks a bit "um, have you guys seen Elena?" okay, maybe I'm a but envious of Elena right now. Get a hot guy to search for me thank you

I cut out speaking to myself and Bonnie is talking to him answering his question "I think she went home. You know what. I'm gonna give you Elena's cell number and her email. She is big on texting, and you can tell her.... I said so" as she writes down her number and hands it to him. He thanks her and she touches his arm and freezes for a second

Stefan crosses his eyebrows and asks if she's okay. Bonnie looks at him with concern and softly says "What happened to you?" she then shakes her head "That's so rude. I'm sorry" she gets up and walks off

Caroline smiles at him "Yeah, she kind of wigs out. It's like her thing" he nods his head and walks off leaving me with Caroline but she also leaves so I sit here alone fiddeling with my empty glass looking around, speak to Caroline for a little bit then go about my day

Mystic Falls School:

I'm walking around school going about my business until I see Bon and Elena talking, so i go and interupt them

"Hey guys, what's going on" i say smiling at them

Bonnie turns to me with a huff "Tell her theirs something up with that Stefan guy, I touched him and i got a really bad feeling"

Elena looks at her in annoyance "Is that it? Bonnie. Is this that whole witch mojo thing again?" okay Elena take a chill pill

"You know what? I'm just concerned. This is me expressing concern about my best friends new boyfriend" damn go Bonzo

"And I love you for it, I do. But I feel good. It's been a hard year and I'm starting to kind of feel like things are getting back to normal again. And Stefans a big part of that" ha normal, things are getting more weird than ever

Just then Stefan walks over "Good morning, Elena. Morning Bonnie, Christopher"

"Yeah... No just call me Chris. Saying it long is just too weird" then Bonnie hooks my arm and starts to drag me away "I gotta find Caroline. See you guys later"

As we walk further and further away I ask Bonnie why she's being weird "I just have a bad feeling about him as I said so I don't want us too be around him right now"

"Beside the weird feelings and visions. He doesn't seem that bad" I tell her

"You just like him cause he's hot. Your always like that. You get blinded, like with those Tv and Movie characters" she points out. Okay maybe I do but it's not my fault, it's theirs for casting hot people as bad guys. If u don't want me to like them, don't make them hot and loveable..... And murdery but that's beside the point. There shows, I can like what I want

"Yeah well beside that. He does seem alright, maybe you shouldn't be so hard on him. Atleast give him the benefit of the doubt, I mean Elena is our friend and if he helps her get out this rut she's in then what could go wrong" I try and help her mind come to the side of compromise. She then nods in agrement and we go to lesson

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