22)Sacrafise Ritual

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3rd Person:
Alarics Apartment:

After the real Klaus emerged the witches packed up and left while also taking Alarics body and moving him out the room. Klaus also told them to tell him a message once he woken up to tell Elena "So, this is your real, Klausey body. Not another weird, body snatcher thing" Chris says waving his hand up and down at Klaus

"Yeah. You like it. I've been rocking it for over 1000 years" Klaus smirks with a wink

"No its hideous" Chris says seriously but didn't actually think that. He was definitely hot

"Your not a very good liar. You definitely like this" He taunts

"God you really hate rejection don't you" Chris chuckled

He moves closer to Chris "Im at least better than my brother though you think?"

"Okay 1 Elijahs your brother? 2 comparing yourself to your brother is the creepiest thing I've ever heard and 3" For number 3 he snorts and laughs at him "And no, Elijahs better" He says seriously

Klaus looks as if he seems to be getting a bit jealous, he doesn't like competition, he likes winning "Sure, you think that all you want while I go and do what I need to do"

"And I will sit here thinking about it then" Chris saying going to sit down on the chair "Don't let the jealousy hit you on the way out" He laughs

"I don't get jealous, expecially not of little annoying Bennett witches"

"Who said anything about being jealous of me" Chris gives a wide smile taunting him. It's surprising how Klaus hasn't ripped off his head, he wanted to but there would be no point in keeping him hostage if he was going to kill him

Angrily Klaus leaves the apartment slamming the door leaving Katherine standing there confused of what just went on

Salvatore House:

Alaric ran into the Salvatores house but then stopped as Jenna picked up the nearest weapon which happened to be a crossbow "Get out!" Jenna screams

"Jenna, Jenna" Alaric says trying to calm her down

"GET OUT!" She shouts again

"Jenna, put the crossbow down, okay? It's me" Alaric says putting his hands up trying not to make her shoot him

"Stay away from me"

Elena, Damon and Stefan come rushing to the commotion "What's going on?"

"It's me, Elena. I swear, okay. He let me go. Klaus let me go" He tries to say

"Prove it" Jenna says sticking the crossbow further ready to shoot

Alaric thinks for a second "Uh, the first night you and I spent together, Jeremy walked in when I was about to---"

Jenna then quickly stops him "Okay, it's him!!" She then puts down the crossbow

"Why did he let you go?" Stefan wondered

"He wanted me to deliver a message. The sacrifice happens tonight" He answered

They all move to the living room while asking a couple of questions "Chris and Katherine were their"

"Katherine is under compulsion and Damon gave her vervain. He also found out Chris can't leave. There's some boundry and we can't remove it" Stefan informs him

"So we're just going to leave him their? What if Klaus hurts him?" Alaric wonders

"If he wanted to he probably would've by now. And it's Chris, he's dealt with an Original before I'm sure he will be fine until we figure out a way to get him out" Stefan answers

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