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Whitmore Hospital
3rd Person:

Elena was in the hospital doing her volunteer work helping Jo since she wants to become a doctor in the future "He's unconscious-" Elena told Jo who walked over to her, she then whispered the next bit to her "-but I gave him some of my blood. So his vitals have stabalised"

"The more these victims pile up the harder it is to hide the reason they're here" Jo told her. Stefan and Caroline were currently on a no humanity rampage, chewing there way through through the town population

"Yeah, I know. That's why I'm hoping Damon and his mom find them soon"

Jo was about to walk off when she came to a halt "I'm sorry. Did you just say Damons mom? Isn't she dead?"

Elena pulled her to the side away from prying human ears "No. She was trapped in the 1903 Prison World. Where Kai is currently trapped" She told her, thinking Jo already knew this

Josettes eyes widened in shock "Kai is in a 1903 Prison World?"

Elenas eyebrows crossed "I'm sorry. Has nobody told you this?"

"I'm on hour 13 of a 12 hour shift. Maybe someone could've shot me a quick text. So Kais gone?" She prayed

"Yeah. Chris trapped him in there for good" Elena gladly told her the good news

Jo nodded happily "Chris is a powerful witch isn't he. So Kais definitely going to be stuck there" Jo held her stomach and sighed heavily in relief "Oh that's amazing news. Like really amazing news"

Elena looked to what she was holding "You're pregnant!" She asked in shock. Jo chuckled and nodded "I was wondering why you switched to decaf. Expecially when on a 13 hour shift"

"The last thing this baby needs is an uncle psychopath" Jo said

"You and Alaric are having a baby" Elena smiled "Wow. Jo, this is amazing" Elena brought Jo into a hug "I'm so happy for you"

Later in the day after a fiasco of Caroline making Tyler stab Matt accidentally. Matt refusing Elenas blood to heal him because it would be hypocritical. Damon using Lily to bring back Stefans humanity. Josette called Elena to come to her since she needed a word

Elena and Damon met up with Jo who was still in the hospital "So I called my dad to let him know that Kai's gone. But all he wants to know is where the Ascendant is?" Josette asked them "We have to destroy it"

"Why?" Elena asked

"Before you answer that, I should probably skip to the part where I already gave it to lily....." Damon informed them

"What!" Elena shouted at him in shock "But you already promised to give it to Chris"

"It doesn't matter" Jo interupted "You need to get it back. Now!" She demanded

"Tell us" Damon said, knowing something was wrong

"Before the 1900s, your mother fell in with a group of witches that were cast out of the Gemini Coven. They were known as Heratics. Siphoners like Kai. But not just Siphoners, Lily turned them which resulted in creatures that are both witch and vampire" Josette told them a story

"But that's not possible" Elena said "Chris and Bonnie have explained that numerous amount of times. If witches get turned they become Vampires. It happened to their mother"

"Siphoners are witches that have magic only when they siphon power from another source. Hence the name. But as Vampires they have a constant source, they can siphon of their vampirism. The Heratics were on their way to destroy the Gemini but the coven got to them first and put them into exile. Heratics are ruthless. Vampires with witch powers. You can not let them escape for any reason. Imagine Kai with the bloodlust of a vampire"

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