98)Hey Grams, I'm back

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Whittmore Dorm
3rd Person:

Chris is sitting on his bed in his college dorm at Whitmore, writing in his journal

'Dear, Elena
I'm going to be a Dad....'

Chris pauses, not knowing what to say next, he sighs before he continues to write down his thoughts

'Extremely long story short, things happened and now I have a child which was somehow magically placed into Caroline's readily available vampire womb. I don't fully know how, or even why....but I have my theories. Expression being the manifestation of my will and being in my own reality with a family, with kids....maybe I wanted it to become a true reality. I still don't understand why the kids been placed in Caroline, but that's the least of my worries

I guess I thought writing to you might help me figure out how I felt about this. Because on one hand this is weird but....amazing. I never thought I'd have a child, ever. But I guess things happen in ways we don't expect. On the other hand, it kind of scares me. Being who we are attracts a lot of unwanted attention, now not only do I have to protect myself I have a whole human child to protect

I've been trying to help Caroline with this since one child is a big thing, but three. Her vamp brain is probably running on overdrive

Anyway, as usual, until next time'


Caroline is studying on her bed in her, Chris' and Bonnies dorm alone when her phone buzzes. When she sees that it's Stefan she smiles weakly as she answers it "Well, you're either really drunk, or calling to tell me that you found a new girlfriend" She said jokingly since earlier on she told Stefan 'the news'

Stefan laughs nervously at this joke "None of the above, although a drink does sound really good right about now"

Caroline sighs since she can't do that anymore "Yeah, tell me about it"

Stefan hesitates before beginning his apology "Listen, I'm really sorry about earlier. I didn't know what to say, and I didn't want to say the wrong thing, so I just bailed..."

"Well I guess there's no right thing to say when you find out that your girlfriend is magically pregnant with not one but two other mens babies" She chuckled "Look, I know that this is happening to both of us. And you stood by me through everything I went through with my mom, so I totally get it if you want to run for the hills"

On his end Stefan smiled "I'm not going anywhere because I love you"

Caroline, overwhelmed and relieved to hear him say this, smiles widely " I guess there is a right thing to say to this weird thing after all

"Listen. No matter how weird this all gets, I'm here for you. We're gonna get through this together"

Caroline makes a face, but it's clear she's thrilled about this reaction "Are you sure? Because it could get really weird, I don't know how but it could. Chris is already hovering over me making sure in not eating things that could hurt them, it's cute but kind of annoying"

Stefan laughed "Yeah I'm possitive. And you've spent your whole life with Chris. Did you expect anything else?"

"I guess not" Caroline laughed along with him "I love you two"

Several weeks have passed since the funeral of Lily Salvatore, and it's almost Christmas now. Chris is wearing an elf's hat as he helps with the Christmas charity while protectivly watching over Caroline

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