99)Baby Shower

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Whitmore College
3rd Person:

They had a baby shower for Caroline which was in fill swing Alaric, Matt, and Tyler are blind folded with baby bath towels and are about to start a game to see which of them can put a fresh diaper on their baby doll the fastest

Chris stood infront of them all and starts the clock for the race "and......GO!"

The rest of the party-goers cheer excitedly as the men race to beat each other in who can do it the fastest

Caroline and Bonnie watch from the other side of the room, where Bonnie has her phone out and is video recording the game with an amused smile, laughing at them

However, Caroline just looks worried and anxious "This is a nightmare"

Bonnie still smiled at the boys through the camera "Are you kidding me? This is the best blackmail material ever!"

Caroline sighs "In T-minus a few short weeks, these babies are popping out of me and being handed to those two" She gestures toward the boys, where Alaric is trying to beat Matt and Tyler in the game while Chris cheered them on "It's hopeless, loo...

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Caroline sighs "In T-minus a few short weeks, these babies are popping out of me and being handed to those two" She gestures toward the boys, where Alaric is trying to beat Matt and Tyler in the game while Chris cheered them on "It's hopeless, look, soon to be parents who are hardly inspiring any confidence in me"

"And....time!" Chris shouted as he dings a bell which stops them

The boys take off their blindfolds, and when Alaric sees that he won, he fist-pumps excitedly "YES!" Caroline smiles and looks proud when she sees that Alaric managed to diaper the baby perfectly

The boys take off their blindfolds, and when Alaric sees that he won, he fist-pumps excitedly "YES!" Caroline smiles and looks proud when she sees that Alaric managed to diaper the baby perfectly

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Chris looked proud of Alaric but when he looked at Matt and Tyler it scared him a little. Matt put the diaper on the babies head while Tyler's baby had been decapitated. Tyler looks up at Chris with an embarrassed grin "This is why I don't entirely trust you wolves. Your never coming near my child" He whispered at him

"Oh my god, that is terrifying" Alaric said as he turned to see what Chris was talking about, he then saw Tyler's baby "You're never babysitting. Neither of you. Ever!!" Alaric stands to his feet, and Caroline smiles happily as she walks over to congratulate him

Matt is still looking at the baby doll whose head he covered with the diaper "I made a helmet!" He laughed showing Chris who smiled and shook his head. Tyler still has the baby bath towel on his head, and he still looks embarrassed about his now-headless baby doll

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