79)Another One?

846 52 17

Prison World
3rd Person:

Chris finally arrived in the cave on the island of Nova Scotia where he was trying to find that dumb rock he was familiar with. One of the main things that lead to all the trouble before he even got to college. The events that got Kol killed, Jeremy killed then Bonnie killed when she brought Jeremy back

After a couple hours searching the island he finally came across the cave, since he couldn't find the Tombstone on the land, it was time to go down. He wondered how he could even be able to get further down since the wall would be closed off

In his large backpack he had all the equipment he needed to get down the massive hole down to the cave

"Okay, let's see how to deal with this" Chris sighed as he thought he would need to find something major to do to get through. He unhooked himself from the latch and looked at the cave walls. There was already an opening? "Well that was easy. Maybe the universe is finally giving me a pass"

He walked down the dark corridor, walls of damp stone and the eccos of his footsteps while using the camera he took everywhere with him in the Prison World to record his journey "I've finally made it guys. Jesus that took forever" He said. Chris hadn't slept properly or even showered in weeks, but finding his way out was more important

Chris walked ahead with his big backpack on his shoulders, a wooly hat and gloves which helped him keep warm on his long trip of driving and trying to work a boat to get to the island "I swear I'm gonna make that bastard pay for what he's done. But for now at least I've made it" He spoke to the camera as he came up to the end of the cave Into an opened up part he knew so well, except there was no stone Silas statue

 But for now at least I've made it" He spoke to the camera as he came up to the end of the cave Into an opened up part he knew so well, except there was no stone Silas statue

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On the floor laying abandoned was the Tombstone filled with magic which he could use to help get out of this place

"Keeping me here was a big mistake, Malachai" Chris spoke to the camera as he picked up the Tombstone. He then took the stone and shoves it into his bag "You messed with the wrong Bennett, Parker. Just watch me, I'm coming for you"

He was just about to walk away but then realised he forgot to grab this box that layed alone where the stoned statue should've been. He grabbed it and opened the box "Oh, my, God" He whispered "The cure" A small vial of red liquid glowed inside of the box. The cure they originally had got wasted on Katherine when she tried to kill Elena, so Elena force fed her the cure so she wouldn't be killed

He closed the box and put the cure inside of his bag, making sure it was safe "So I've gotten the Tombstone and apparently now a cure to immortality. I'm ready" He spoke as he left the place to begin his long trek back to Mystic Falls in preparation for the next Eclipse so he could escape

 I'm ready" He spoke as he left the place to begin his long trek back to Mystic Falls in preparation for the next Eclipse so he could escape

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