101)Moving On

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Still Three Years Later
New Orleans
3rd Person:

Looking tired from the road trip, Chris and Caroline led there three year old children into a bar looking for Klaus Mikaelson "All right kids. You know what this is?" Chris asked "Hopefully not, because it's a bar"

"Yes. And it's the last time your all going to be in one until your 21" Caroline told all three of them

A waitress then walked into the room that they're in which was empty "Sorry were closed-" She then snorted and shook her head as she saw them with three very underage kids "-haha, I don't think so"

"We're not here to drink with children. We're actually trying to find someone: Klaus Mikaelson?" Chris asked her

The waitress looks at them, both exasperated and slightly sympathetic "Honey, hate to say this, but you've wasted a trip"

Chris then looked at Caroline "Look, I couldn't find him and I know he comes here. My names Christopher Bennett, he'll know me"

"I don't care who you are" She responded rudely "Klaus Mikaelson is gone"

Chris' eyebrows crossed at her "Gone? Gone where?"

"I mean no one has seen that man in..." She then thought to herself for a few seconds "...three years"

The waitress goes back to work, and Chris, clearly shocked, tries his best not to look concerned as he smiles down at the kids to not alarm them

Present day
Whitmore Medical Centre:

Alaric walked into Caroline's hospital room with two bags slung over his shoulder. Caroline smiled at him while he looked more concerned and serious "There's something I need to talk to you about"

Caroline sat up more to speak to him clearly, sensing this is a serious conversation she looked worried "What's going on?"

Alaric took a breath "I'm moving to Dalas. I'm leaving today"

Caroline gapes at him in shock "What about Chris? Wher-"

"It was actually his idea to leave today" Caroline's face shown she didn't really believe that "I know, I was a little shocked at first. But when he saw his sons face for the first time yesterday he said he decided that he wanted to leave....and I agree with him, Care" Alaric explained to her

"What? No, Ric, you both don't even have houses or even nannies or schools" She started to go on a listing rant till Alaric stopped her

"I don't care"

"Is this about that psycho huntress? Because you can rest assured she is very far away from here, pursuing my equally far away from here boyfriend"

"Caroline he's scared, okay" Alaric told her "He's one of the most powerful people on this earth and he's been scared after Bonnie told him that she can't he affected with magic. It reminded him that even someone like him isn't invincible, nevermind our helpless children. And as for me this is about Jo, and the promise I made to her to leave town after we got married and we know how that turned out" He sighed in his explanation to her

Caroline looked down at her lap and shook her head a little "Well, do you know how hard it is to travel with one newborn, let alone three? Three car seats. Three feeding schedules. Crying in surround sound, expecially for vamp hearing. Not to mention driving with three babies"

"I know" Alaric groaned at her since they already knew this stuff "And stopping every 90 minutes. I get it. Which is why it's great there's two of us"

"Two people with three new babies and no experience. You both are outnumbered, They're going to tackle you both to death" She over exaggerated the situation

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