76)Set In Motion

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(3 weeks later)
Whitmore College
3rd Person:

Elena and Caroline were making a thanksgiving dinner for all their friends. Also to celebrate getting 2 of their friends back. Josette walked into the room with a cooked turkey. Elena greeted her "Hey. Where's Alaric?"

Josette looked hesitant "Don't kill the messenger. Something about a guys weekend. Even though Bonnies with them"

"Bonnie left us!?" Caroline whined unhappily "But it's friends-giving!"

Elena got on the phone with Bonnie to see what's going on "You can't miss friends-giving. I mean Matt and Jeremy are already cleaning up the Tripp mess and Caroline's mom has to work. We're already low on friends as it is" She complained

In Portland Bonnie hopped out of the car with her bag on the phone "Sorry Elena, but I'm doing something more important right now. Damon found proof that my brother may be safe in the Prison World still, so we've gone to investigate"

"Wait? What do you mean, Chris is in the Prison World? Damon said he at peace....what?" Elena couldn't believe her ears "Why wasn't I informed"

"Why didn't I consult you in a decision to do with Chris instead of his own sister. Hmm. I wonder?" Damon shouted over to Bonnie as he could vamp hear what Elena was saying on Bonnies phone

"We didn't want to bother you all just in case" Bonnie told Elena "I didn't want to believe it but we thought he may have died saving us. But if my teddy bear made it back it could mean he's alive"

"Chris is still alive. Omg" Elena cheered happily

"So we're in portland trying to track down this object: an Ascendant" Bonnie informed her

Stefan depressingly interupted "Bonnie, you may not want to get your hopes up. I tracked this lead months ago. It was a dead end"

Bonnie rolled her eyes at him "Bye Elena"

She ended the call on Elena. Caroline was behind her and heard the whole thing. Elena turned and saw Caroline smiling "Chris is alive?" She laughed. They both them started to chuckle with happiness at the thought of their friend being okay

Bonnie, Alaric, Damon and Stefan were in Portland tracking down the Gemini Coven to try and find a way to get Chris out of there. Damon and Alaric was teasing and bullying Stefan about him and Caroline "One she's hot, objectively" Damon said to his brother

"Two, she puts up with you" Alaric pointed out to Damon

"Big plus. Three, very well organised"

"Organisational skills?" Stefan said crossing his eyebrows thinking why he added that as a reason

"Four" Bonnie said "She's my best friend, so could you pigs stop this idle chit chat"

They came up to a massive empty field "Look and behold, the Gemini Coven. Exactly how it looked four months ago" Stefan bragged about how he is right. But him being right wasn't a good thing for this situation

"Just because we don't see anything doesn't mean it doesn't exist" Alaric pointed out to them. They needed to find another way or find them somewhere else

"Not unlike Caroline's feelings for Stefan" Damon said while taking Miss Cuddles out of Bonnies bag

"Hilarious. Keep them coming" Stefan said in a huff

In a high pitched voice Damon controlled the bears arm to take the mick out of Stefan "Oh, no, is Stefan feeling sensitive about ruining his friendship with Caroline? She really liked him, and he broke her heart"

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