You Don't Belong In This Planet

Start from the beginning

"No can do."

"We swore an oath to protect the Time Stone. With our lives." I swore to protect my people on the h/p planet. My time in Midgard has to come to an end. "Then, my time on Midgard has come to an end..." Taking in a deep breath walking toward the door.

"Where are you going?" Bruce gently grabs my hand as I look at the time stone. "I've sworn my life to protect the people of h/p," My eyes reverted back to Tony. "Thank you for your hospitality tony..."

"But y/n we need you. You're a part of the avengers! We need your magic," Tony winze after hearing the name of the avengers. "The Avengers broke up. We're toast," Tony admitted to Bruce, who was completely shocked.

"Broke up? Like a band? Like The Beatles?"

"Cap and I fell out hard. We're not on speaking terms."

"Tony, listen to me. Thor's gone. Thanos is coming. It doesn't matter who you're talking to or not."

I took a step back after hearing the words of "thor gone". G-gone? T-there's no way he has given up so quickly?! Running my hands through my hair as I noticed tony hesitates before pulling out the cellular phone and muttering 'flip phone'. 

Before clicking "Call", he pauses as a loud unusual noise came from outside. "Doc, you wouldn't happen to be moving your hair, would you?"

Strange trying to look up at one of his stray hairs fluttering "... Not at the moment, no." Slowly looking up at the opening on the ceiling and sees metal scraps flying by outside. Quickly running to the exit of the sanctum to find chaotic surroundings in the streets of new york.

A car crashes in on a pole behind Tony. "Help him! Wong, Doc." I lifted my arm up in the air creating a protective barrier around the citizens.  Walking to the next street see a huge circular ship is seen floating near bleecker street.

The dust clears up in the streets. Walking towards Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf as they exit the ship. Those two...they were in my dream. "Hear me, and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful, that your meaningless lives are now contributing to...-"

"I'm sorry, Earth is closed today. You better pack it up and get outta here."

"Stone keeper... Does this chattering animal speak for you?"

"Certainly not. I speak for myself. But you're trespassing in this city and on this planet." Raising my arm to show in the palm of my hand f/c of my magic turning dark? T-they might know something about the dream.

"It means get lost squid ward!"

"What more of a simple stone can do for Thanos? None of these stones will ever make him a true god," Ebony Maw flinched at my comment snapping his neck towards my direction. "Of course, the empress of h/p planet will know what it means to be a true god. After all, your fiancés never made it last night. But yet our father has a key interest in you. He might become a true god after all,"

Both of them chuckled. Clinging my fists before blasting a wave of dark magic toward ebony maw and black dwarf. HOW DARE YOU LAUGH!! THEY NEVER KNEW WHAT THEY MEANT TO ME!!

Tightening my fist as ebony maw and black dwarf try to breathe in my grip of magic. "I-I thought it was a dream...I believed they were back home. But, now you have done it! YOU KILLED MY FIRST LOVE!"

My body levitated off the ground losing all sense of emotions. Quickly flying over to the black dwarf to rip his head off. 

I hold black dwarf's bloody head in my hand before throwing it in front of Ebony. "Now, who's still laughing?" Titling my head to the side as I could see fear in ebony eyes. You finally realized the fear I've lived of losing them.


I turned around to see Strange, Wong, Bruce, and Tony staring at me in fear. Narrowing my eyes at them "What's wrong?" I took a step towards them as they took a step back. My eyes wander to see blood dripping down to my hand.

"...It might be better off if you stay out of this fight," Strange held his hand out. "B-but, he killed loki and thor?! I-I can't let him get away without trial!"  

"But, the magic you have him under control isn't yours anymore. Look at it..." Slowly looked at my fist to see dark f/c magic.

Letting out a deep breath as Ebony falls onto the ground gasping for air. "Wong, send y/n back to sanctum sanctorum. She needs some time to grieve," Wong nodded his head as I wrapped my arms around my body practically holding myself. 

"I'll stay with her," 


"Did they have a painful death?"


"...I-I should have stayed on Sakkar,"

"Even, you couldn't stop Thanos. He has a whole army coming after the infinity stones," 

Looked back at the ring Loki placed on my finger glimmering. 

"Marry me y/n...You'll never have to be alone in this grand castle. I love you and t-that's all I really know..." 

"I-I should have married him?! Things could have changed!?"

"It would have coasted you into depression. Marrying Loki would have will only make lust more on revenge on his death,"

Bruce held my hands tightly as I stare down at the wooden floor with tears rolling down my cheeks. A portal opens in front of us as Wong walks into the room "The Time Stone's been taken. The Sanctum remains unguarded,"

"I have to go to h/p," 

Standing up from the sofa and walking towards the exit of the sanctum sanctorum. 

"...If this is love. Then I do not want it,"

{Betrothal} Avengers Various x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now