Chapter 1

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Lena is a 40-year-old divorced omega, and it's safe to say she isn't like most Omegas. Lena isn't one that gives into alphas who try and seduce her or anything. Lena is able withstand the alpha pheromones as they don't seem to affect her, although a part of Lena thinks that maybe it's just because one alpha ruined her for everyone, scarred her for the rest of her life.

Lena wasn't always like this, an omega that wasn't interested in any alpha attention, and unaffected by alpha pheromones. There was a time when the brunette was a young carefree omega, who fully embraced the omega she was, and enjoyed being with alphas. However, in Lena's last year of university she met this seductive alpha called Andrea. As soon as Lena met her, she was smitten, and completely under her spell. Lena literally thought Andrea was one of the most beautiful beings in the world; she was completely and utterly enamoured with her. Andrea, for her part, seemed to like Lena too, and they both soon became a couple. After this, Lena loved being with Andrea, and taking in her alpha scent all the time. Lena felt so loved and cared for by Andrea. Lena finally felt utterly and truly safe, which is something that she found difficult to find, given her unpleasant family history.

Things began to change between Andrea and Lena when they graduated university. At the time Lena's plan was to get her PhD, with the hopes of starting her own tech company afterwards. However, Andrea had other ideas. After the couple graduated, Andrea told Lena that she planned to start her own company right away, using some of her father's money, and she would need Lena there to support her, meaning that she couldn't pursue her goals of getting her PhD. At first Lena was reluctant to agree, but Andrea soon turned on her alpha charm, telling Lena that it would only be temporary, and once the company was up and running she could get her PhD then. So, because of that, Lena eventually gave in to Andrea, and was just happy to please her alpha.

After this, about 6 months went by, and Andrea's company was a success. She'd grown the business into one of the most successful ones in all of Metropolis, quite the achievement, even for someone who had a leg up from most other people, due to the contacts Andrea had from her father. However, by this point in time Lena was starting to become unhappy. This was because over those 6 months Lena was essentially used as Andrea's partner to attend party's and everything with her, just to make her look good, while also basically acting as her secretary. Lena knew she was capable of so much more, but Andrea insisted she needed Lena's help because she trusted no one else as her secretary. Eventually though, things came to a head when Lena's best friend Sam finally gave her a talking to.

"Lena, Andrea is using you!" Sam said.

"What? No, she isn't." Lena replied, "She just needs my help, as she doesn't trust anyone else right now to be her secretary and everything."

"That's not true at all!" Sam said back, "This is starting to become a pattern now! Andrea is just constantly finding excuses for you not to go off and get your PhD, and then start your own company. She just wants to keep you as her good little omega. She doesn't want you to be independent or anything."

"No... that.... that's not true..." Lena replied, hesitantly.

Sam sighed.

"It is though, Lena." Sam said, "And deep down I think you know it's true."

"But.... but I love her...." Lena said, after several moments silence.

"I know.... which is why you need to talk to her, and lay down the law. You have to let her know that you are not going to be some submissive omega that lets their alpha walk all over them." Sam said.

"You're.... you're right." Lena agreed.

After that, Lena did just as Sam encouraged her to do, and confronted Andrea on constantly trying to keep her at the company, and stop her from getting her PhD and everything. However, Andrea surprised Lena, and once more turned on her irresistible charm.

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