Behind The Scenes

Start from the beginning

"Of course, after all....."

Penguin rose from his chair.

"This is Gotham"

'Why can't I?'

Statics gaze was still on the mercenary in front of him, but his mind was elsewhere.

'Livewire. One of the people that tried to kill Y/N that night. Electricity based powers similar to my own, however it seems as if my own power is more versatile, but hers is more destructive, being able to stun even Superman'

Static began to list off the characteristics of the blue haired woman.

'Despite her powers not being as versatile, it seems as if she made a blade out of electricity. How did she do it?'

"I gave you time so that I could see if you had anything else to show me. I'm a little disappointed, but what you've displayed so far has already gone beyond my expectations"
Deathstroke readied his staff.
"Let us continue"

Static blinked, and by the time he opened his eyes Slade was already in front of him, swinging his staff in a wide ark aiming for Statics left side.

Static however, already had a block up to the side of his face, an wide blue shield surrounding that part of his head simultaneously.

The mercenary however, suddenly jerked his swing downwards. Before Static could react the blow connected.

Static could feel an audible crack as the metal made contact with his left leg.

Do to the sudden loss of balance the Hero's body began to fall sideways.

Slade rotated his staff in his hand and when he swung again the blow was aiming for the opposite side of Static head compared to before.

The Hero instantly summoned a force field that blocked almost almost the entirety of his right side as it surrounded him in a half circle.

"Instead of making a forcefield where I would hit, you aimed it to cover the entire right side of your body? Practical in case I attempt to faint you again but....."

Instead of another faint, Deathstroke followed through on his attack and the following impact completely shattered the force field into tiny shards that evaporated as soon as they were separated from the main energy source.

"It loses its strength as you disperse it"

The staff passed through the shield and directly made contact with a block Static had made with his arm to protect the right side of his face.
It was not enough.

All of this happened in mere moments, so when the blow connected to the already falling Static it only sped up the process, crushing him into the ground as the staff slammed against his forearm.

A cloud of dust followed the impact, but it disappeared moments after as the mercenary swung his staff through the air casually, dispersing it.

Static attempted to push himself off of his side as Deathstroke stood standing above him, patiently waiting.

A sudden burst of pain from his left hand that held his broken fingers caused him to lose strength in his arms, making collapse.

The Hero laid there for a few moments, taking in a few deep breaths. Static spit some blood from his mouth onto the ground beside him and with new conviction forced himself to his knees.

"A will that's to find in those that face me. You're just the perfect package aren't you?"

Static didn't look up at the man before him and instead attempted to get to his feet.

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