The soft sound of a piano started to play as the smooth voice of Emily Hearn followed after. The girls turned around, their partners with hands on their waist and hand as they danced, you would have thought that this was a ball at the simultaneously of the partners, all dancing at the same time.

We walked in the middle of the dance floor, Jackson's hand slowly turning my waist so we could stand face to face. My breathing hiked up at that and my heart started to beat fast, telling me that this was wrong in all senses. I was supposed to have this dance with my mate, the person I was in love with but he wasn't anywhere to be found.

Voices were telling me that I shouldn't be doing this, that I should be looking for my mate but the look that Jackson was giving me made me ignore the voices. I couldn't do this to him, I couldn't just leave him in the dance floor in front of hundreds of students.

So as he slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer I couldn't do it, I couldn't stop myself from pulling away from him and wrapped my arms around his neck. As we danced on the dance floor my eyes narrowed around, seeking the ones of my love but couldn't find him.

My eyes met Skill's knitted face with a disappointed look on his face as he shook his head at me, his mouth mouthing that Sebastian had left. Multiple thoughts ran through my head and I realized that they weren't mine but Sebastian's.

How could I be so stupid! Of course he, being stupid, thought that I didn't want him anymore after what happened yesterday. How could I be so stupid?! I pulled myself from Jackson and turned around on my heels, breaking into a run.

I rushed up the stairs with my hands on each side of my dress, pulling it up. I reached the top and rushed toward the door, pushing it open. "Rebekah?!" Jackson's voice shouted from behind me as he caught up with me.

"Jackson please don't follow me!" I pleaded up vulnerable as I whirled around, tears glinting in my eyes as I ran my hand through my hair. I brought my hand up and put it in front of my mouth as sobs threatened to come out, as I twirled around the lobby with a hand on my hip.

 "It's Sebastian isn't it? You two are back together." He said behind me in a disgusting voice and I turned around irked with him, my teeth gritted. "Yes, after I gave myself to him again." I found myself saying annoyed. I should have known that this was coming. I was stupid enough to get involved with him again after what he tried to do with me. "Look Jackson, what we had was in the past. I could never love someone else besides my mate. I hope you can understand that."

"No I can't." He yanked me forward by my arm. "I love you Rebekah, why can't you see that?" He looked at me with puppy dog eyes in love and I pressed my eyes closed as I shook my head. "Why him!" He shouted in the lobby, getting unwanted attention from other people.

"I love him." I hissed out at him slowly, trying to yank my arm from his grip but he held me tighter. "You're hurting me Jackson." I rustled with him to let me go.

"And you're hurting me." I was brutally grabbed from behind and forced forward to meet Jackson's lips that moved passionately against mine. I tried to squeeze my lips together but he forced his tongue between my lips, seeking mine.

I yelped loudly when I was tossed brutally aside and screamed when Sebastian grabbed Jackson by his neck, pulling him off the ground.  He was in transition, more animal than human in a place filled with human and I needed to get him out of here.

"Sebastian please humans are looking." I said after I pulled myself up, walking carefully toward Sebastian and put a hand behind his back. He tensed at the touched but relaxed under it. "Baby let him go."

Jackson gasped for air as he tried to throw punches at Sebastian but missed all of them. "I'm sorry for doing this." I hugged him from behind and closed my eyes, concentrating on my ability. He went slump in my arms and let go of Jackson who felt on the ground, coughing heavily.

"He's a monster Rebekah, how can you be with him?" Jackson coughed as he breathed out heavily, his eyes fixed on me. "What did you do to the humans?" He said after realizing that they weren't moving.

"I froze them." I replied shortly as I brushed Sebastian's hair slightly. "It's okay baby, you're okay." I rose him up and kissed his forehead, leaning my head in the crook of his neck as I hugged him closer.

He hugged me back from behind and sniffed a cry. "I hurt you." I shushed him as I rocked us back and forth soothingly. "I hurt you." He choked out and brought tears in my eyes at his voice, vulnerable and weak.

"It's okay I'm okay you didn't hurt me." I showered him with kisses as I ran my hand through his hair, my cheek pressed against his. "I love you and I'll choose you any day." I muttered quietly, this moment being ours.

The Heart Wants What It Wants *Completed* (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now