Just My Imagination.....Right?

Start from the beginning

"You're quite insane, how would I know?"

"True. Before you go through though, are you positive there is nothing in your suit or gadgets that can be tracked. The last thing I want are a bunch of Hero's busting into my workplace"

"I'm positive. I left everything that could be tracked after our talk"

"Good. Contact me when you enter the 9th Circle"

"Why do you call it that and not the Black Zone like everyone else?"

"Well it's worse than all the other ones so it's the same difference"

"Also your Hero name is Static Shock. Shut up"

With that, Static retracted his finger and allowed himself a few moments of quiet.

It's only been 3 days since he retrieved you, and your condition has just been decreasing over time.

Random heart spikes, one of your limbs shooting out as if trying to grab something, and your retractable blade keeps on ripping through the new stitches Hugo gives you, causing even more blood to be lost.

It was a miracle you were even alive according to Hugo, but he was still trying to figure out if it truly was a miracle due to your peculiar body.

Even with that, by Hugo's estimation you didn't have long, forcing Static to agree to Hugo's request.

Entering the Black Zone.

"I can't believ-....fuck"

Static stopped himself. He forced himself to suppress the emotions that almost bursted out in those moments of silence. Bursts of electricity appeared even on the surface of his clothes, but he quickly suppressed them.

He hadn't truly thought about what he did. Hadn't truly realized that he betrayed them. He couldn't think about it, or even take a moment to process it.
Otherwise his reason for doing what he did would die.

Static slammed his forearm against the upside down car, the pain snapping him out of his state of mind.

"Nows not the time"
Static once again peered at the group 100 or so metres away.

Normally he would explain the situation to them, or simply fly over the patrol.

Problem was, to put it into simpler terms, Statics powers were flashy.

Anyone that at least heard of him would recognize him, and he didn't want anyone from the Black Zone in general to recognize him. Chances are most people in Gotham had heard about the battle between the group of Hero's and Villains.

Static wasn't sure if Damian alerted the other Hero's about what he did, but he did know he would be questioned on why and where his team was. Even if he managed to play it off chances are they would still contact Damian.

Plus at this point he didn't know who to trust. After all it was quite suspicious that no officers whatsoever tried to intervene in the blood bath he came across when he found you.

Villains, or just random passerby's, would try and use that chance to locate you through him. That was the last thing he wanted.

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