"Is that her?" He points at Hayley in question.

   "No. This is, Dwayne." Tyler nods to me as I watch them with a bored expression. "Get them inside." Dwayne grabs Hayley's arm as Tyler walks in the opposite direction.

   "Tyler? Tyler?" Hayley pleads. When they get over to me Dwayne goes to grab me but I stop him.

   "Touch me and I'll rip out your liver and feed it to you." I threaten before standing and voluntarily walk ahead of them and into the cabin. Trying to run to soon would only make things harder on me and Hayley.


   Tyler's sidekick zip tied Hayley and me to a heater and left us alone. We both sit in silence trying to come up with a plan. But, there is a question I've been dying to know.

   "Who the hell is this guy, Hayley?"

   "Not someone I thought I'd see again." She says. I stay quiet waiting on her to continue. "I met him in the Appalachians. He was lost and confused about being a new werewolf. It didn't take long for us to become friends."

   "Great friends you have." I scoff.

   "I don't know what his deal is. He left right before I met you. He went home to Mystic Falls, to his girlfriend. When I went to Mystic Falls because of the professor, Tyler had changed. He was a hybrid. Klaus had fed him his blood and snapped his neck. Once Tyler was fed Doppelganger blood he turned." She explains. "He was sired to Klaus. When Klaus realized he could make an army he turned more. Tyler found a way to brake the sire bound and I helped him free the other hybrids. But Professor Shane needed Klaus to massacre them so, I told Klaus they were conspiring against him. And he killed them all, including Tyler's mother."

   "Oh, this is just great." I mutter. "So, he has a reason to be a psycho. Niklaus drove him there, shocker." I say as Tyler enters.

   "Tyler, there's been a wolf watching us lately, protecting us like it instinctively knows that we're part of its pack." Hayley says as he grabs a bag and sets in on the table uninterested. "You're a hybrid. You can turn into a wolf whenever you want. Was it you?" She asks.

   "No, but you're right." He shakes his head. "Only hybrids can control when they change, and I'm the only one left besides Klaus, which is why we're here."

   "Whatever you think you're doing, you should know that the whole Original family has made some sort of pact or something to keep me, Hayley, and my baby safe." I warn him. "So, if you hurt us, they'll kill you."

   "What makes you think I'm afraid to die?" He questions as Dwayne walks through the door. "You ready for this?" Tyler asks directing it at Dwayne.

   "Let's do it." He replies looking at me. Tyler pulls out a needle attached to a syringe.

   "What are you going to do with that?" I ask a little scared as Dwayne comes towards me and holds me still.

   "Tyler! No! Please stop." Hayley pleads, unable to help as Tyler advances on me.

   "Klaus destroyed everything good in my life." He says angerly in my face. "So, I'm gonna take away the thing he wants most." He says pulling up my shirt and revealing my belly. Hayley starts begging him to stop, but I know it's no use. I can see it in his revenge filled eyes. There was no stopping him. He plunges the needle into my round stomach. I slam my lip between my teeth refusing to give him the satisfaction of knowing he is hurting me. But when he starts to extract blood, I can't hold back. The burning is too much, and I let out a blood curdling scream. He pulls the needle out and the pain slowly subsides as I catch my breath.

Shielding The Innocent - Niklaus Mikaelsonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें