Chapter 98

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Peter and Isabella had now been together for three years. Peter was 19 and Isabella was 18 and they were both now officially done with the required schooling. It was date night for them, dinner and a movie night was the plan. Dinner was great but Peter couldn't help but notice that Isabella wasn't fully present. It seemed like her mind was somewhere else, but he figured he would wait until they were back at his place to ask her what was happening. Once they got back to his house, they went straight to his room for a little privacy, away from his family. They started the movie but Isabella was still looking spaced out.

"Is everything okay?"

"Peter I need to talk to you about something." They both said at the same time. Peter looked at her, signaling her to speak. She hesitated for a while, trying to find the right words, "Um Peter, I'm uh- I'm pregnant." Peter's eyes widened and his mouth hung open, he couldn't help but stare at his girlfriend in shock. After a minute of not saying anything, Isabella broke the silence, "Peter can you say something?"

"Are you- are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. My period was late and I was throwing up a lot so I took like five tests to be sure and they were all positive."

"Okay um so what are we gonna do?" Peter asked nervously, he wasn't ready to be a father but he also was so happy that it was with Isabella he'd be able to share this with. He didn't know where her mind was at and didn't want to force her into any decisions, it was her body after all.

She looked down as tears started to fall down her cheeks, she was nervous about Peter's reaction to her decision. "I want to keep it," she said quietly.

He lifted her face with his finger so he could look into her eyes, he placed a gentle kiss on her lips before speaking, "Then we'll do it together."

"What?" she said in shock. "Are you serious? Are you happy about this?"

"I'm gonna be completely honest, I am terrified. I'm not ready to be a father but this is happening and it's happening with the woman I love. I'm happy that it's you I get to go on this journey with. We'll figure out a way to make this work and be the best parents we can be."

"I love you Peter," Isabella said as she leaned in to kiss him. They broke the kiss and Peter brought her into his arms to hold her.

"I love you too Bella."

They sat in silence for a little while before Isabella spoke again, "How are we gonna tell our parents?"

"Shit. I hadn't thought that far ahead yet. We can tell them all together tomorrow." Peter said with Isabella agreeing. "But if it's alright with you, I kinda want to tell my sisters first." Isabella agreed immediately, excited to tell them the news. They texted them to come into Peter's room and a few seconds later they walked in.

"Hey guys. Whats up?" Ariana asked.

"Hey um we kinda wanted to talk to you guys about something." Peter said, motioning for his sisters to come sit on the bed with them. They looked at them, waiting for one of them to speak.

Isabella took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant."

Camila and Ariana both jumped up off the bed, "Oh my god! Are you serious?" Camila whisper shouted. Peter and Isabella both nodded with big smiles on their faces. Camila and Ariana rushed over to them and wrapped them both in a hug. "I can't believe I'm gonna be an aunt!" Camila squealed as she kept hugging them.

They pulled away with worried looks on their face, "How are you gonna tell our parents?" Ariana asked. They told them the plan and they spent the next hour just talking about how excited they all were.

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