Chapter 36

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December 2017

Everyone was sitting around the dining table, enjoying the meal that Nikki, Anna, and Mila had prepared. "Mum this is your best Christmas dinner yet," Harry said while stuffing his face.

"Yeah mum, this is delicious," Tom said, all the other men humming in agreement.

"Well you can thank your girlfriends here. They did most of the work," Nikki said smiling at Tom and Harrison.

"Well we had to add some Latin flare," Mila giggled.

"Well damn, you guys must eat good when you're down in LA with them," Sam said as he licked his plate clean.

"Well yeah. Why do you think when we come back we have to go to the gym twice as much," Tom laughed.

"They spoil us," Harrison said grinning at the girls.

"Anything for our boys," Anna said kissing Tom's cheek.

They finished eating and made their way over to the living room to exchange gifts. They all started off by giving Tessa her gifts. She got so many new toys, snacks, and outfits. They all laughed at how cute the Spider-Man things Anna had gotten her were and Tessa thanked her by peppering her with kisses and cuddling next to her for the rest of the night.

"Merry Christmas," Anna said handing Dom and Nikki an envelope.

"This is very sweet," Nikki smiled. "You didn't have to get us anything."

"This is our favorite restaurant!" Dom interrupted when he saw that there was a gift card inside. "Don't listen to my wife. Thank you for this," he smiled brightly.

"It's my pleasure," Anna said before hugging the both of them.

"It'll be nice to have a date night without any of the boys around."

"Hey!" all four Holland boys shouted, feigning hurt.

She then handed Tom's brothers their gifts. She gave Paddy a skateboard, Sam a portable piano, and Harry a vintage camera.

"This is awesome!"

"I've been wanting one of these!"

"Thank you so much!"

They all went over to hug Anna and to place brotherly kisses on her cheeks.

Once Anna was done passing out her gifts, the three youngest Holland's stood up to grab the big basket that was under the tree. They each took a side to carry it over to Anna and place it on the coffee table in front of her. "This is for you."

"Oh you boys didn't have to get me anything. Please. I can't take this."

"Of course we had to get you something," Harry said smiling.

"Please open it," Paddy pleaded.

"You're family now," Sam said to her. After hearing this, Anna lost it.

She brought the three boys into a hug and sobbed. "I never had brothers growing up. Then I met you guys and Harrison and you guys have just welcomed me with open arms. I just love you guys." They all hugged her and comforted her trying to hold their tears in as well.

"We love you too," Paddy said wiping the tears off her face.

She looked up at Tom through her tears, "Thank you for sharing your family with me."

"I wouldn't have it any other way my darling," Tom smiled at them. "Okay enough crying," wiping his own tears from his own eyes. "Let's finish with the gifts," he said laughing now.

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