Chapter 9

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January 2017

Anna was home from work by 4:30 pm and knew she needed to get things ready before Tom arrived. Her house was already pretty clean but she did her best to make sure it was spotless. She really wanted to impress Tom so she needed her house to look better than usual. She also took the time to light a few candles, put some wine to chill, and set out a few movies to choose from. She of course had streaming services on her television but she also had a huge collection of DVDs. She felt like you could tell a lot about someone based on the DVDs they have. Their collections usually included their favorites, the movies that were worthy of the time and money it took to get them.

She had been looking forward to seeing Tom since he had texted her a few hours prior. She really enjoyed her time with him on Monday and was really hoping he would call her to meet up again. She was beyond thrilled when he had texted her that he wanted to see her again. After just one evening with him, she knew she wanted him to be a part of her life. She wasn't sure where this would lead them. Maybe it would just end in friendship but a part of her really hoped it would turn into something more.

It wasn't long before there was a knock at the door and Anna ran over, excited to finally see Tom again. She was surprised to see that he had bags of food in one hand and flowers in the other. "Hi Tom," she smiled as she stepped forward to hug him. "It's good to see you again."

"It's great to see you too. Thanks for having me over," he smiled. "These are for you," he said as he held the flowers up in front of her.

"Oh wow Tom they're beautiful! These are my favorite flowers!"

"I was hoping you would like them," he said with a big smile on his face.

She stepped aside, "Please come in. Make yourself at home." She led him into the kitchen and once he placed their dinner and snacks on the counter he brought her into another hug. "I missed you," she said while wrapping her arms around his neck. She knew she saw him just yesterday but being with him brought her a sense of joy she had never really felt before.

"I missed you too darling." She nearly melted at the new nickname he used. "Why don't we eat the dinner I brought us and then we can have all our snacks while we watch a movie."

"Sounds perfect! What did you get?"

"I brought us some Italian food. I hope that's okay."

"That's more than okay! It'll go perfect with the bottle of wine I have chilling for us." They sat on the bar stools she had along her kitchen island and talked while they ate their dinner.


Anna Garcia posted a story

Anna Garcia posted a story

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Once they finished eating they made their way over to the living room where Anna had everything set up for their movie night. She had a few movies set out on the coffee table including The Conjuring 2, The Titanic, and of course The Avengers.

Tom looked over the options before reaching for The Avengers. "But I'm not even in this one!" he pouted.

Anna couldn't help but giggle at the face he was making. "I know but the one you are in doesn't have any Loki in it."

"I thought Spiderman was your favorite!"

"Oh he is but I have a soft spot for the villains and Loki happens to be my favorite," she said with a smirk. "And it doesn't hurt that he's nice to look at," she teased.

"Well I can't have you drooling over the other Tom, so The Conjuring it is. Plus this way I can cuddle with you when I get too scared," Tom said winking at her. She immediately blushed and quickly got up to put the movie in. The movie began and Tom slowly inched his way closer and closer to Anna's side of the couch. She thought he was kidding about getting scared but he kept jumping at any loud noises or scenes with anyone who looked too frightening. By the end of the movie he was practically sitting on top of her. "That wasn't too scary."

Anna looked at him and just began laughing. "Tom you were jumping the whole time and were basically hiding behind me."

"Maybe I just did all that as an excuse to be close to you," he said with a big grin on his face.

"Yeah okay. Whatever you need to tell yourself to feel better," she said getting up to take out the movie, but Tom quickly wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her on top of him. Their faces only inches away from each other, Anna couldn't help but look at his lips. He took this as a sign and leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. The kiss was slow and gentle. It only lasted a few moments but it was like nothing either of them had ever experienced. When they pulled away, they leaned their foreheads against each other and took a second to look into each other's eyes.

"I really like you Anna," he said quietly to her, "I feel like I've know you so much longer than just a few days."

"I feel the same way," she said still looking into his eyes.

"I know I'm only in town for another week but I really wanna spend as much time as I can with you."

"I would love that," she said shyly. "We can spend more nights in like this and then maybe on the weekend I can show you around town."

"That sounds perfect," he smiled. "But for now can we please watch Avengers because I'll have nightmares if I don't watch another movie," he chuckled.

She laughed before standing up to put in the movie. "Of course."


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Tom Holland posted a story

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