Chapter 73

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January 2021

Tom and Anna had just gotten back from spending the holidays in Los Angeles with Anna's family. Elena was overjoyed when they told her they would be spending Christmas and New Year's with her. Anna had planned for them to stay at a hotel but Elena insisted they stay at her house instead. Tom immediately agreed knowing it meant Elena would probably be cooking for him. They had the best week with Anna's family and they wished they could've stayed to spend more time with them but Tom was needed back in Atlanta.

Anna had been dying to know details about the new Spider-Man movie but Tom had kept avoiding all her questions. She had been reading rumors online and wanted so badly to know anything about the movie. She didn't even really know who was in it other than Tom, Zendaya, Jacob, Marisa, Jon, and both Benedict's. After getting back to Atlanta, they still had a few days before they had to be back on set so Tom had a big surprise for Anna.

"So I was talking to Z and Jacob and we were thinking about having a small New Year's celebration with the cast. What do you think about having it here at our place?"

"Are you serious? Does that mean I'll get to actually know who's in the movie?" She asked excitedly.

"Well I talked to the director and he said it was fine for you to know some spoilers. He said he was surprised I hadn't told you anything yet and you'll obviously need to sign a non disclosure. So what do you think?"

"Yes! Absolutely!"

"Okay good because we already invited everyone to come over tomorrow," he chuckled.

"What?!" She gasped, hitting Tom playfully on the arm. "That gives me no time to prepare! I have to clean the house and figure out what to cook! I need decorations! Thomas Stanley Holland go get the vacuum!" She said as she started pacing the kitchen, already making a mental to do list.

"Darling," he said getting no reaction from her. "Darling," he tried in a sing-songy voice. "Darling!" he said as he put his hand on her shoulders, taking her out of her thoughts. "There is nothing for you to worry about. It's all been taken care of."

"What do you mean it's all been taken care of?"

"We hired caterers to take care of the food, a party crew is coming to clean and set up decorations, and both Jon's insisted they bring the alcohol."

"So there's nothing for me to do?"

"Absolutely nothing," he smirked.

"Wow okay. Well then can we at least go shopping for new outfits?"

"Now that we can do. C'mon," he said pulling his keys out of his pocket, leading Anna out towards the car.

The next day came and Anna was sitting in the living room with Tom, waiting for their guests to arrive. "Can you at least give me a hint at who's coming?" she begged for the thousandth time.

"Everyone will be here in a few minutes. I think you can wait to find out," Tom chuckled.

A few minutes later and the doorbell rang, making Anna jump out of her seat to run to the door. She opened it to reveal Zendaya and Jacob, "Oh it's just you guys."

"Wow thanks," Jacob put his hand to his chest, feigning hurt.

"I didn't mean it like that," Anna chuckled. "Hey guys it's good to see you again even though I saw you a few days ago," she said hugging each of them. "So can you guys tell me who's coming?" They knew how big of a Marvel fan she was so they really wanted her to be surprised at who was coming. Instead of answering her, they walked passed her to greet Tom.

Even though she had met them all before, she was still so excited to see all the guests that were coming in to her house. Benedict Cumberbatch, Marisa Tomei, Jon Favreau, Benedict Wong, Tony Revolori, and Jon Watts all arrived within minutes of each other. Everyone was mingling in the living room when Anna went up to Tom. "Is this everyone? Why were you being so secretive if I already knew all of these people were in the movie?"

Before Tom could reply, the door bell rang again. "Why don't you go see who's at the door?" Tom smirked. He had planned for the mystery guests to be the last to arrive. He knew Anna would be so surprised and he wanted everyone to be there to witness it. He even went as far as to have Zendaya secretly recording her.

Anna made her way to the door curious as to who could be there, she assumed all their guests had arrived. When she opened it, her eyes widened at who was at the door. There stood Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina, and Jamie Foxx. Anna couldn't even speak, she just stood there with her hand still on the doorknob, just staring at the three men in front of her. Everyone chuckled at her reaction.

Tom approached the door and placed his hand on Anna's back, taking her out of her trance. "Please come in," he chuckled. "Willem, Alfred, Jamie I want you to meet my wife, Anna."

Tom hadn't closed the door yet, knowing their last two guest were walking up. He just had Anna turn her back to the door to greet the three men. "Oh wow. Um I can't- Um it's an honor to meet you three. I am a huge fan. I can't believe you're standing in front of me right now," she stuttered.

"Thank you for inviting us," they smiled.

"Wow Tommy. I can't believe you managed to keep such a big secr-" Anna turned to talk to Tom who was still at the door. Only he was not alone. He was standing next to Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped at the sight of the three Spider-Man actors all together. "You have got to be shitting me!" she finally shouted. "You- The three- All of you- This isn't real! No way! All three fucking Spider-Man in one movie?!" Anna was practically yelling in excitement.

"It is lovely to finally meet you," Andrew said, bringing Anna into a hug. "Tom talks about you all the time." He stepped aside to let Tobey greet her.

"Thank you for having us in your home," Tobey said hugging an overly excited Anna.

"I can't believe this is happening," she gushed. She turned to all their guests. "It is truly an honor to have you all here. I am a huge fan of every single one you and I truly cannot wait to watch this movie." She was still in shock of what was happening. She just found out possibly one of the biggest movie spoilers ever and was trying her hardest not to go full on fangirl on them.

"Are you surprised?" Tom approached her when he finally caught her alone.

"Oh my god yes! I am still trying to contain my excitement," she giggled. "I can't wait to watch this movie!"

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