Chapter 67

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January 2020

Anna, Tom, and Harry just arrived back at their hotel in Ohio. They would only be there for about three weeks, until Tom finished filming Cherry. They got settled into their rooms and decided to just order room service and rest for the remainder of the day. Tom had to be back on set tomorrow and Anna would be joining him so she could meet the cast.

Anna and Harry were in Tom's trailer waiting for him to finish his scene so they could eat lunch with him and she could meet his costars. Tom went to get them and they all made their way over to catering where the rest of the cast was. "Hey everyone. I want you all to meet my wife, Anna."

"Hello it's nice to meet you all," Anna said shyly.

Ciara made her way over to Anna and brought her into a hug. "It is so good to finally meet you. Tom has told us so much about you."

Anna smiled at her, "It's nice to meet you too." Before arriving on set, Anna told herself she would put all the drama behind her and give Ciara a really chance. She didn't want to hold something against her that ultimately wasn't her fault.

They all ate together and made small talk. They all decided to go to dinner together. Once they were done for the day, they all went back to their hotel to get ready.

They eventually made it to the restaurant and made their way inside. Anna sat in between Tom and Harry with Ciara on the other side of Tom. Anna thought nothing of it until she saw the way they interacted with each other. Ciara was very touchy with him and it seemed like she took any chance she could get to touch his arm or his back. Tom seemed oblivious to this but Anna didn't like it one bit.

Anna leaned over closer to Harry and whispered, "Is she this flirty with everyone or is it just with him?"

Harry looked over to what she was talking about and gave a face that told everything she needed to know. "She's flirty with everyone but with Tom it doesn't seem as innocent as with the rest of the cast." Anna knew she was going to have to talk to Tom about this but she was worried he wouldn't take it well.

When they got back to their hotel they were all tired, Harry went straight to his room while Tom and Anna went to their's. They got ready for bed and once they were both laying in bed together, Anna turned over to look at Tom. "I need to talk to you about something," she said to him.

"What is it sweetheart? Is everything okay?"

"Umm it's just something I noticed today," she paused not really sure how to bring this up. "When we were at dinner I just noticed that Ciara was really touchy with you and being flirty and it made me uncomfortable."

"She's like that with everyone, not just me. So don't worry about. It's not a big deal."

"I just didn't like the way she was around you. It didn't seem so innocent to me, Harry thought the same thing. I know you guys are friends but I would just appreciate it if you no longer spend time with her alone."

"What? That's crazy. We're just friends, do you not trust me? And why are you bringing my brother into this?"

"I just asked him if she was like this with everyone. I didn't want to bring it up if it wasn't a big deal. And it's not you that I don't trust, it's her."

"You don't even know her."

"I know I don't know her. But you are my husband and can't it just be enough for you that it made me uncomfortable so I don't want you alone with her. It's not like I'm asking you to not be friends with her. I would just appreciate if other people are around whenever you hang out."

"You're being ridiculous. We're just friends. She doesn't like me that way. She knows I'm happily married to you."

"Tom I understand but I didn't like it. Can you just respect my feelings and do what I'm asking of you? I don't get why you're getting so upset with me."

"Anna I'm sorry but I don't think anything is wrong with the way she is around me so I'm not just going to start treating her differently because you're here now."

"Wow Tom. It's nice to know that you don't respect my feelings at all." She stood up from the bed and put on her robe and slippers. She stormed towards the door to their room, opening it before turning to Tom. "I'm gonna go sleep in Harry's room. I'll see you tomorrow."

Before he could say anything, she shut the door. She walked over to Harry's room and knocked gently. He opened the door half asleep, but his eyes widened when he saw that Anna was crying. He pulled her into his room, "Hey what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I just got into a fight with Tom. I talked to him about what happened tonight and all I asked him was that I didn't want him being alone with her and he flipped out." She was sobbing at this point. "He can't even respect my feelings enough to do one simple thing. It's not like I'm asking him to stop being friends with her or even stop talking to her."

"He's being an idiot. Just let him cool off and you guys can talk about it more in the morning." He brought her into a hug and kissed her head. "C'mon its late, let's get you to bed. I'll sleep on the couch tonight."

"You don't have to do that, I'll take the couch, I'm the one that came and ruined your night."

"Don't worry about it. Just go to sleep and we'll talk more tomorrow. Goodnight sis."

"Goodnight hermanito."

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