Chapter 64

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October 2019

Tom was set to begin filming his new movie, Cherry, immediately after their honeymoon. With her new job, Anna would've typically joined Tom on set. After a lot of discussion they decided it would be best for Anna to just stay in London. Right before the wedding, they had shipped all of Anna's belongings to Tom's house in London. While they were on their honeymoon, his family had picked up all the boxes for them, dropping them off at their house. So now their house was filled with unpacked boxes. Rearranging their home to fit Anna's things was going to be a lot of work and they didn't want to leave a mess for the next few months.

So right now, they were at the airport waiting for their separate flights. Tom would be flying to Ohio while Anna would be flying to her new home in London. Tom was scheduled to be filming until February. His brother, Harry, would be joining him and they would be flying back home for Christmas and then Anna would fly back with them after the New Year and stay until he was done filming.

"I'm going to miss you so much," Anna said tearfully as she said bye to her new husband.

"I know darling. I'll miss you too, but its only two and half months. We've gone longer without seeing each other before," he said as he kissed her head.

"I know we have, but now we're married. We're going to spend our first two months of marriage apart from each other."

"I know and I wish we could spend it together but we decided this was best for now. There's a lot to be done at the house and we don't want to leave a mess until we get back. And the family have already offered to help out with whatever you need," Tom quickly kissed her lips. "We'll be back together before you know it. I love you sweetheart. So much."

"I love you too," she leaned in to kiss him, slipping her tongue into his mouth. They broke their kiss when they heard the boarding announcement of her flight. "Please let me know when you arrive. Be safe. I'll see you when you get home for Christmas. Te amo."

"I love you. I'll see you soon okay," she nodded before bringing him in for one last hug and kiss. She reluctantly walked away, fighting back tears at the thought of having to be away from her new husband so soon. The upside to all this was that she was on her way to her new home. She couldn't wait to turn Tom's house into their new home together. And she was beyond happy that she had her new family to help her.

As soon as Tom landed in Ohio, he was straight to work. He didn't have much free time and when he did, he spent most of the time resting or bonding with his cast mates. Because of his busy schedule, it was decided that it would be best if Tom called Anna. They didn't want to have to worry about missing each other's calls. But she did make sure to send him the occasional text, just to check in on him or to keep him updated on things back home.

Things went great the first month and a half. They talked everyday, making sure to make time for each other. They had nightly FaceTimes with each other, usually ending with Anna falling asleep. With the time difference, it was usually late for Anna by the time Tom would get the chance to call her. Anna would almost always fall asleep and Tom would just stay on the line until he saw her eyes close and heard tiny snores coming from the phone. She's not sure when things started changing but Anna noticed the calls and texts coming in less frequently. He still FaceTimed but it always seemed like he was trying to end it as quickly as possible.


November 2019

Incoming Call From Tommy 💛
Accept or Decline

"Hello Darling! How was your day?"

"Hi Tommy! It was good. I'm pretty much all moved in now. Sam, Paddy, and Harrison came over today to help me with the last of it. So I made dinner for them as a thank you."

"Thats great! Are they still there?"

"No they left a while ago. It is 11 pm here you know."

"Oh yeah I forgot. It's only around 6 pm here but I'm already pretty tired."

"Hard day filming?"

"Yeah so I think I'm just gonna go to sleep early today. But I'll call you tomorrow as soon as I wake up."

"Oh okay. Yeah um that's fine. I'll just talk to you tomorrow then. Goodnight mi amor. I love you. So much."

"Goodnight. Love you too."


"Tom are you ready to go?" Ciara called from outside of Tom's hotel suite. Ciara was Tom's costar and on screen love interest. It had become an almost nightly thing for the cast to go out for dinner and drinks. Tom didn't really have a reason to be hiding these outings from Anna. There were other people there, including Harry who was with him in Ohio, so it's not like he was alone with Ciara. He really just didn't want Anna to think he was blowing her off just to go hang out with his friends instead of talk to her. He didn't want her to feel like a second choice.

"Yeah I'll be right out," Tom said as he put on his shoes.

Harry was ready to go and walked out of his room, into the living room of him and Tom's suite. "How's Anna doing?"

"She's good. She said she's fully moved in now."

"That's awesome! I can't wait to see her again. Let me know when you FaceTime her again, I wanna say hi."

"I will."


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ciarabravo fun night out
tagged: @tomholland2013

username wow they'd look cute together

username she's so much prettier than Anna

username he hasn't even been married two whole months and he's already hanging out with other girls

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