Chapter 89

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Tom and Anna were both working at this point but were only taking jobs that were in Europe or if they were farther they'd make sure they weren't gone for more than a month. The only way they would do longer was when the kids weren't in school so they could all travel together. This mainly applied to Tom since he was the one that had to travel the most for work. Anna was still doing her job as a therapist but also did a little bit of modeling on the side, so the most she was ever really gone was a week.

Tom had a new movie he was going to be filming and he would need to be in America for three months, this would be the first time he would be so far away from the kids for such a long period of time. "Pete, Cami, Ari can you come down here for a second!" Tom said as he sat next to Anna on the couch. She held his hand in her's, trying to comfort him. He really wasn't looking forward to having to tell his children he'd be leaving for so long.

The kids sat on the couch in front of their parents, "We need to talk to you kids about something," Anna said in a serious voice.

"Is everything okay?" Camila asked.

"Well you guys know that for work I need to travel a lot, right?" Tom asked. The kids all nodded waiting for Tom to continue. "Well I just got a new role that I would need to go to America for."

"That's awesome! But you'll only be gone a month right?" Peter asked.

"Well that's the thing, I'd have to be gone for three months."

"You're going to leave us for three months?" Ariana asked sadly.

"Sadly yes. But me and mummy had a long discussion about this before I took the job. You guys are 8 and 6 now, old enough to understand that we need to work so that we could provide for you."

"But while he's gone we're going to make sure to talk on the phone everyday."

They all just nodded. "We're going to miss you daddy," Camila said teary eyed as she got up to sit on Tom's lap.

"I'm gonna miss you all too but I'm not leaving for another month and then we'll all be together again at the beginning of May." Eventually all the kids got up and tackled Tom into a group hug.

It had been two months now that Tom had been away. Dropping Tom off at the airport was probably the most any of them had cried. The kids had all taken having to say bye to him extremely hard. And of course since they all cried, Anna cried, and Tom cried seeing all of them cry.

They had talked and FaceTimed everyday but the kids were all missing him like crazy. They were all moping around the house one Saturday and Anna needed to find something to distract them. "Hey are you busy?" she asked the person she was talking to on the phone. She needed help cheering up the kids and she knew exactly what could entertain them for the rest of the day.

About an hour later, when the kids were in the living room, there was a knock on the door. Anna went to answer the door and then walked into where the kids were. The kids all turned to look at who was there, "Tio Harry!" Ariana yelled causing all the kids to run over to their uncle to tackle him into a hug.

"Hello monsters!"

"What are you doing here?" Peter asked.

"We're all going on an adventure! Let's go!" They all piled into Anna's car and drove for about thirty minutes. They arrived at a random building causing all the kids to look at the adults in confusion.

"What are we doing here?" Camila asked.

"We're gonna have a photoshoot. How does that sound?"

"That sounds like so much fun! We're gonna be like mummy!" Ariana said excitedly.

"You know, your Tio Harry was the first one to ever take my picture for a photoshoot. He's part of the reason I became a model in the first place," Anna said as she pulled Harry into a side hug.

"Wow that's so cool!" Peter said proudly. "You're so good at it!"

"Thank you baby," Anna giggled.

"Your mum packed outfits for you to wear and I brought some props for you guys so you can have more fun with it," Harry said as he showed them what he brought. They spent a few hours just having fun taking pictures. They were used to Harry taking their picture but never like this and they absolutely loved it.

They still missed their dad a lot but this was able to at least keep their mind off of being sad and it gave them something to talk to Tom about later.


Harry Holland posted a photo

harryholland64 it seems like my nieces and nephew are following in my sister's footsteps

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harryholland64 it seems like my nieces and nephew are following in my sister's footsteps. it was a blast getting to photograph them!
tagged: @annaholland @tomholland2013

tomholland2013 wow look at my beautiful children!

samholland1999 they look great!

hazosterfield well with the genes they have how could they not grow up to be models

paddyhollad2004 they're already cooler than their parents


Anna Holland posted a photo

annaholland they couldn't wait to get home and call their dad to tell him about the great day they had with Harry photographing themtagged: @harryholland64 @tomholland2013

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annaholland they couldn't wait to get home and call their dad to tell him about the great day they had with Harry photographing them
tagged: @harryholland64 @tomholland2013

tomholland2013 they look just like their mother

zendaya look at these little models

elizabetholsen they are the coolest kids ever

milaosterfield wow these look awesome!

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