Chapter 92

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Ever since Camila and Peter went to their cousin's quinceañera five years ago, they begged to have one of their own. Right after they turned 14, the planning began. Because quinceañeras weren't very common in London, they decided to stray away from traditions. All the twins really wanted was a big party, to dress extravagantly, and most importantly to have all their friends and family attend. Their loved ones lived all over the world and most of them had crazy schedules, but still they had RSVP's from almost everyone they invited.

It was the day of the party, Peter and Camila were at the venue with their parents and sister getting ready. Anna and Ariana had just finished helping Camila put her dress on when there was a knock on the door. It was opened to reveal Tom and Peter in their suits. "Wow my angel, you look absolutely stunning!" Tom said as he brought his daughter into a hug.

"Thank you dad," she said shyly. "Wow Pete, you look good," she said, surprised at how well her brother cleaned up.

"Thanks Cami," he brought her into a hug and placed a kiss on her head, "You look beautiful," he said, smiling at her.

Tom and Anna just watched the interaction between their children and Anna couldn't help the tears leaving her eyes, "Tommy look at our babies!" she said now full on sobbing.

Tom wrapped his arms around her, "Aww sweetheart," he said as he placed a kiss on her head. "Children, look at what you did, you made your mother cry," he said smirking at them.

"But mum always cries," Ariana giggled. They all laughed before Tom called them all in for a group hug.

They were interrupted when the door opened, slowly revealing Mila, Harrison, and Isabella. "Are you guys ready to go?" Harrison asked.

Mila got a good look at them and couldn't help but smile. "Damn what a good looking family," she smirked. They all laughed as they began making their way out.

They decided not to have a court with them, really just wanting it to be about the two of them. All the guests were seated already, including their family. They were just waiting for the DJ to announce them so they could go in. Peter looked down at his sister as they held each other's hands, "I love you Camila. So much."

She looked up at him with the biggest smile on her face, "I love you too Peter." They brought each other in for a tight hug before they began to hear the DJ talk. They got back into position, still holding each other's hands.

"Everyone please welcome Peter and Camila Holland!" The doors opened revealing the siblings, everyone erupted into cheers as they walked out towards the front of the room where their parents were waiting for them. When they finally reached them, Tom and Anna brought them in for a group hug, everyone still cheering for them. Once they parted, Peter and Camila stepped to the side as their parents began to give a toast.

"Hello everyone. My family and I just want to start of by thanking you all for joining us to celebrate Peter and Camila today. Getting most of you together at the same time is quite the task so we truly appreciate you taking the time and money to join us today. We just wanted to say a few words about our beautiful children before we continue on with the celebration, and by we I mean me since my wife says she can't speak about them without crying," This earned a laugh from the audience since they all knew how true this was. She always ended up crying when she talked about how much she loved her kids. "Most of you that are here today have been part of our lives since before Peter and Camila were born, many of you have been able to see them grow up. I'm sure we can all agree that they are truly amazing." A cheers filled the room causing Peter and Camila to blush. "Anna and I are truly blessed with the three best kids in the world. They are some of the strongest, sweetest, kindest, most loving people I know; just like their mother. When we found out we were having twins, never did I imagine them being as close as they are. They are truly best friends and it warms my heart to see the relationship they have with each other." Tom paused as he started to choke up. "I'm going to wrap this up before I start crying," he chuckled. "Your mother and I love you both. So much. Happy birthday!" Everyone cheered as Peter and Camila ran to give their parents one last hug before they sat down.

Fan Girl (Tom Holland Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora