Chapter 72

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October 2020

Three months had come and gone and Tom had wrapped Uncharted. His next project was Spider-Man: No Way Home in Atlanta. Filming was meant to go until March so Anna would definitely be joining him this time around. The only downside was that she wouldn't be able to join him on set because production wanted to keep the guest to a minimum because of the pandemic. She had recently been busy with work so she had a lot to keep her occupied while Tom was on set.

Tom had flown to Atlanta straight from Germany and started working right away. He had rented a house for him and Anna to stay at for the next four months. Anna had arrived about a week after Tom. When she got to the house, Tom was still on set working and wasn't meant to arrive for another few hours. She decided to take a quick shower and get started on dinner so that they could eat together when he got home.

After taking a shower, unpacking a little bit, and making an easy dinner, Anna finally heard the front door open. She put down what she was doing and ran to the door. Before Tom could react, she had her arms and legs wrapped around his body. "I missed you so much Tommy," she sobbed. She didn't even realize she was crying until Tom slightly pulled away to wipe her tears.

"I missed you too sweetheart," he kissed her head. "God it is so good to have you in my arms again." He moved his head to have her's right in front of him and brought her into a kiss. She grabbed his cheeks in her hands and deepened the kiss. They separated and just leaned their foreheads against each other. "I love you. So much."

"I love you too," she smiled at him. "C'mon, I made dinner." They sat together to eat and talked about everything that they missed the past three months.

"Oh my god, love. Harry sent me the rest of the pictures he took of you that day. You are fucking fantastic! You looked absolutely stunning! Have you ever thought about getting into modeling?"

"I don't know sweetheart. It was fun but I don't know if I feel comfortable enough to get my picture taken like that."

"Harry told me you seemed pretty comfortable with him."

"Yeah that's cause I was only with him, Sam, and Paddy. They're my brothers. I don't know how I'd feel having to do it front of a bunch of people that I don't know."

"But darling you would be so good! The world deserves to see your beauty and your talent my love."

"I don't know Tommy. I've never done anything like that before. I've never even thought about getting into the entertainment business."

"Why don't you at least give it a try? You never know unless you actually get a feel for it. And if you don't like it, I'll drop it and never bring it up again."

"Okay fine," she smiled sheepishly. "I guess it won't hurt to give it a shot."

"That's great! I'll call my agent right now and see if he could find something for you!" Before she could protest, Tom left the room to call his agent. Not even twenty minutes later he came back out beaming. "Okay he got something for you but you'd need to fly out to LA tomorrow."

"What? Are you serious? That quick?"

"He sent over the pictures Harry took and they loved them. It's for a brand called Pretty Little Thing."

"Oh my god! Are you kidding me? I love that brand! Ay dios mio, okay. I guess I'm flying out to LA then."

Anna flew out the next day and was being picked up at the airport and taken straight to set. The photoshoot went great. Anna was a lot more comfortable than she thought she would be. She had so much fun and got so much positive feedback. "Anna you were phenomenal today. We were just going to post these photos to our website and Instagram but how would you feel about becoming a brand ambassador?"

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