Chapter 28

718 18 3

September 2017

It had been almost a week since the E! News post was uploaded. Tom had continued to try to call and text Anna every day. Mila, Monica, and Maria were at Anna's house trying to get her to call Tom back, "Anna just give him a chance to explain."

"Yeah you should call him. It was all just a misunderstanding."

Anna just looked at them with tears running down her face. She believed Tom when he said that it wasn't what it looked like. She knew that he wouldn't cheat on her but he lied to her. Well he didn't really lie but he kept the truth from her. Having to see what happened through a picture was so embarrassing for her. But she knew she had to talk to him. She knew they could work through it. She grabbed her phone hesitating to push on his contact. As soon as she pushed the call button she felt her tears fall even more, but it only took about two rings until he answered.


Phone Call
Calling Tommy 💛

"Oh my gosh Anna! Thank God! I'm so sorry! I should've called you right away. I was being an idiot. I'm so sorry darling."

"Tom just tell me what happened."

"Okay um. I was out eating with Harrison and when we were leaving a fan stopped to ask for a picture. So I took the picture and when I gave her a hug goodbye, she leaned over and quickly pecked my lips. I immediately yelled at her for doing that. I told her I was in a committed relationship with you and that I was in love with you."


"I would never cheat on you Anna. I am so in love with you. This past week has been hell. I missed hearing your voice and talking to you. Knowing you were hurting because of me was killing me. I'm sorry for causing you pain. I will never forgive myself for making you feel that way. Please just forgive me darling. I need you. Please my love."

"I love you Tommy. I forgive you. I never believed you cheated on me but it hurt that you just didn't tell me. And it was so embarrassing to have to find out through a screenshot sent through the group chat. Just please promise me you'll just be honest with me next time. All this could've been avoided if you just talked to me. You hurt me Tom. I never thought you would be the cause of the pain I was feeling."

"I know baby and I'm sorry. Please believe me, it was never my intention to hurt you. I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you."

"I forgive you Tommy. I just miss you so much baby."

"I miss you too. Come visit me please. I can get you a pass to come on set. I just want to be with you again."

"Maybe I can fly out the last week of October?"

"Yes! Thats perfect! I'll let everyone know! They'll be so excited to meet you! They already love you more than me. They were ready to kill me for what happened."

"Oh geez I'm going to need to mentally prepare myself before meeting them or I will probably pass out."

"I'm sure you'll be fine darling. But in the meantime why don't we add you back to the group chat so they can stop being mean to me."

"How dare they be mean to my baby. Add me back so I can yell at them."

"I love you. So much."

"I love you too."


Group Chat
The Marvel Bunch 👽

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