Chapter 80

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October 2021

It was the night before Halloween and Anna had planned to spend the day with Elena and Nikki, while Tom was spending the day with his brothers and dad. The ladies took Anna out to her favorite restaurant and the guys took Tom to their usual pub.

The girls were finishing up dinner when Anna started to get stomach pains. The two older ladies noticed that she started to look uncomfortable. "Honey are you okay?" Nikki asked when she saw Anna hold onto her belly.

"Yeah I'm okay," she groaned. "Just getting some stomach pains."

"Well why don't we just pay and go back home so you could rest," Elena suggested.

Anna nodded in agreement and once they stood up, Anna had a sharp pain hit her stomach. She groaned at the sudden feeling but after a few seconds it stopped. She took some time to catch her breath, before telling her moms she was okay to start walking to the car. Right as they were reaching the car Anna began to feel a wetness down her leg. She looked down to see a puddle under her feet. "Oh shit. Oh my god. My water just broke," Anna said with a slight panic. "I'm not due for another week!"

"Well mija they're coming now so we gotta go to the hospital. We'll call the boys from the car," Elena said as she guided her to the car. Nikki jumped in the front seat while Elena joined her in the back. As soon as they started driving, Elena called Tom.


Phone Call

"Hi mama!"

"Thomas, Anna's water broke. We are on our way to the hospital, you need to get there straight away."

Tom let out a loud shriek, making the three ladies chuckle.

"We need to go to the hospital! I'm going to be a dad!"

They heard a loud cheer come from the background, assuming it was his family and the people at the pub.

"We're on our way! See you soon!"


At around 8 pm they arrived at the hospital and Anna was immediately put into a room. Not long after, Tom ran into the room, "I'm here, I'm here!"

"Oh thank goodness!" Anna said as he brought her into a hug and placed a loving kiss on her lips.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm having a lot of pain honestly and I'm already so tired. I'm not looking forward to the whole pushing two babies out of me but I'm so ready to meet our little angels."

"I'll be right here with you my love."

Soon the nurse came in to check to see how far along she was. "You are only about 5 cm dilated so it will likely still be a few hours." Anna groaned at the thought of still having to wait a few more hours. She was already feeling so exhausted and was ready to just get the babies out of her.

It had been hours of pain before a nurse came in to check on her a final time. "Well after seven hours in labor you are finally 10 cm dilated. Are you ready to meet your babies?"

The nurses walked out to get the doctor. Anna and Tom were both overcome with emotions. Tom leaned down to hug her and kissed her forehead as they both cried together.

Dr. Hill came in with the nurses and got everything ready to begin. "Are you ready to start pushing?" Anna was terrified but her excitement help her push past that to nod at the doctor. She was ready to meet her babies. Soon enough it was time for Anna to start pushing. She had never experienced pain quite like this but when she heard the cry of her first baby, she knew it was all worth it. "Congratulations! It's a boy!" Anna and Tom couldn't help the tears that now escaped their eyes. But it wasn't over yet, there was still one more baby coming. She was so tired but with Tom, the doctor, and nurses encouraging her she began to push again. All the pain faded away when she heard another cry fill the room, "Congratulations! It's a girl!"

"Well now we have one of each darling!" Tom cried out as he brought his wife into a hug and kissed her gently. Soon after the babies were done being cleaned and checked they were brought back over to them. The doctors and nurses left them alone to enjoy their new babies. "You did wonderful my love. Thank you for giving me the greatest gift in the world. Our two beautiful babies."

"I love you Tommy. So much. I can't wait to raise our little angels together," she said as she kissed him.

After a few minutes alone, Tom went to call their family to come in and meet the babies. He hadn't told them the genders yet, wanting them to be surprised. Elena and Nikki were the first ones to hold the babies, both of them instantly falling in love with their grandchildren. "So what are their names?" Paddy asked.

"That is Peter Luca Holland, he is the oldest and that is Camila Luna Holland, the youngest," Tom said proudly.

"Oh my gosh! You got one of each!" Sam exclaimed.

All the boys were in love with their niece and nephew, each wanting their turn to hold them. Anna was overcome with emotions watching how happy they all were with the newest additions to their family. "Are you okay my love?" Tom whispered to her as their family continued to gush over the babies.

"Yeah I'm perfect. I just love our family so much," Anna said with a huge smile on her face.

"Me too. And I love you. So much. More than you could ever imagine."

"I love you too Tommy."

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