Chapter 82

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December 2021

The babies were about a month and half now and Tom and Anna had been with them every single day. The premiere of Spider-Man: No Way Home in Los Angeles was coming next week and while Tom was excited, he also dreaded the day he'd have to leave the babies behind.

"Are you sure the three of you can't come with me?"

"Tommy I just don't feel comfortable with the babies being in a plane so young and I don't want to leave them without one of us around just yet."

"I know. I feel the same way but I'm just gonna miss you three so much."

"I know and we will too but it's only three days. And you've worked so hard on this movie, you deserve to go be celebrated for it. But you better tell Kevin that I want a copy of it as my Christmas gift since I can't watch it at the premiere."

"I've already got it covered love. He has a copy ready for you so we can watch when I get back."

"God I love you," she said bringing him into a passionate kiss.

A couple days later, Tom was in Los Angeles on his way to the premiere and he was longing for his wife and babies to be there with him. He wasn't really up to having to do interviews and a red carpet so he thought it would help him to have a quick FaceTime with them before he arrived.


Incoming Call from Tommy 💛
Accept or Decline

"Hi Tommy! Look babies, it's daddy!"

"Hello my angels!"

"How's it going?"

"I'm on my way to the theatre. I'm not really in the mood to do all this and would just much rather be home. So I just needed to hear your voice and see all your beautiful faces."

"Aww Tommy. I'd much rather have you here at home with us too but you'll be back here tomorrow. So for now, just go do your best like you always do."

"I miss you. I just arrived, so I'll try to call you tonight but if its too late, I'll just see you tomorrow."

"Okay mi amor. We all miss you so much, and can't wait to see you tomorrow. Isn't that right my angels?"

"I love you all. So much."

"We love you too sweetheart. Have fun and good luck! Oh and tell everyone I love them!"

"I will make sure to tell them all. Bye my darling!"


After many pictures and interviews asking about the movie and the babies, Tom was finally inside the theatre with his costars.

"So Tom how are the babies?" Jacob asked.

"They're doing well. I've only been away from them for less than two days, but I already miss them so much."

"I am so happy for you Tom, they are absolutely beautiful," Zendaya said.

"Thanks Z," Tom smiled.

"So when will I get the chance to meet them?" Zendaya asked.

"You're welcome to come over whenever you'd like. I'm sure Anna would be thrilled to see you."

"Well I have nothing to do after this for a few weeks, maybe I can fly back with you?"

"Yeah that'd be great! I leave tomorrow morning so I'll just pick you up at your house."

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