Chapter 7

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January 2017

It was now Monday and the day couldn't be moving slower. Anna had a busy day at work but was looking forward to seeing Tom again later. She got home at around 5 pm and decided to start getting ready. To say she was nervous was an understatement. She wanted to impress him so she ended up buying a new outfit. Something nice but still casual enough to go on a coffee date. Was this even a date? Nope, she wasn't going to let herself go down the rabbit hole of her thoughts. Once she was happy with how she looked, she headed out of the house and made her way to the coffee shop.

Anna wasn't the only one who was nervous. Tom was running around his hotel room looking for the perfect thing to wear. Harrison rolled his eyes at his friend, "Tom you need to relax. She obviously already thinks you're good looking, no need for you to try so hard."

"I want to look my best for her! She beautiful and I just want to impress her," Tom said finally changing into something that seemed appropriate for a coffee date.

"You'll do fine mate. Don't try so hard, I'm sure everything will go great," Harrison said trying to get his friend to calm down before he leaves to meet up with Anna.

"Thanks Haz. I'll see you when I get back," Tom said waving bye to his friend.

Anna got there a few minutes early so decided to find a table towards the back, assuming Tom probably wanted privacy, away from fans and possible paparazzi. A few minutes later Tom arrived, immediately spotting the girl he hasn't been able to get his mind off of. Her back was turned to him so he tapped her shoulder. She turned around with a big smile on her face, "Hello!" she stood up to give him a hug before sitting back down. "I already ordered for us. I assumed you'd probably want the same thing you got last time."

"You didn't have to do that! I invited you, I should be the one paying," Tom said sitting down across from her.

"Don't worry about it. You can get the next round," she said shyly. She already felt her nerves getting the best of her.

He noticed her change in demeanor and reached across the table to grab her hand. "Hey is everything okay? Did I do something wrong?" he asked now worried he did something to upset her.

"No. No. I'm sorry. I'm just really nervous and I really wanted things to go well and I feel like I'm already messing things up," she said quietly making him lean in so he could hear her.

"You haven't messed anything up. Believe me, I'm probably more nervous than you are," he said to her with a small smile.

"W-why would you be nervous? You're Tom Holland and I'm just me."

"Have you looked in the mirror? Look at you, you're beautiful! I haven't been able to get you off my mind since I saw you on Saturday."

"Really?" He nodded at her with a big smile on his face. "Can we just forget all this happened and start over?"

"Of course," he said laughing softly. He reached his hand across the table, "Hi I'm Tom! Nice to meet you!"

"Hi Tom, I'm Anna," she said shaking his hand. They spent about an hour talking in the coffee shop about her job and his upcoming projects.

Not wanting the night to end, they decided to take a walk going the long way to get to her house. "So tell me about your family," Tom asked knowing she already knew a little bit about his family since she was such a big fan of his.

"Well it's really just me and my mom. I'm an only child despite my mom wanting to have another kid, but my dad was kind of a screw up. He fought a lot with her family and from what she's told me he wasn't a very good man. She had planned to leave him but he ended up moving out of state when I was around 3 or 4 years old. After that he had some trouble with the law. I've only seen him about three times since he left. We used to talk on the phone a lot when I was little but it's been a few years now since I've last spoken to him. I've tried to have a relationship with him but he's never put in any effort so at this point I've kind of given up on that. But my mom is great. She has been everything I have ever needed and I am happy to have had her raise me."

They continued walking for a while not really saying anything. Tom was trying to process everything he was just told. He finally broke the silence, "I really admire you Anna. I mean the good work you do at your job, the way you talk about the people you care about, being so strong even though you had to go through all that with your dad. You're incredible."

Anna stopped walking to look at him. She quickly pulled him into a hug with tears starting to form. She couldn't believe the man she grew to admire was telling her all these wonderful things. She didn't really believe them about herself but having him say them to her made her heart swell. "Thank you Tom. You have no idea how much that means to me."

He couldn't help but hug her back and rest his head on top of hers. He knew in this moment that he wanted her to be a part of his life. She was someone special that he didn't want to lose. Soon they were standing in front of her house. They didn't want the night to end but Anna knew she had an early morning so it was time to say bye. "Thank you for tonight. I had a great time."

Tom grabbed her hands and brought them to his lips, giving them a kiss. "Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. Hopefully this won't be the last time we see each other. Maybe I can get your number?" he said pulling his phone out of his pocket to hand to her.

"That'd be great," she said typing her number into his phone. "I'll see you around Tom. Goodnight."

The door closed behind her and Tom was left a smiling mess. Their night together just ended and he was already looking forward to seeing her again.

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