Chapter 70

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March 2020

Tom and Anna had been back home for a little over a month now. They finally got to just enjoy each other as husband and wife. Tom wasn't due to start working on his next project until July so they had a few months until they had to start traveling again. Right now, both of them were only really working in the mornings. Most of Anna's therapy session happened early in the day with maybe one day were she had a few scattered throughout the day. Tom was usually done with his meetings and answering his emails by noon so that gave them most of the day to just do whatever they wanted together.

They were both currently home working on a puzzle together. Tom was working on separating the pieces while Anna was switching on the news to have playing in the background. Tom was talking to her about the puzzle before a breaking news report showed up making her interrupt him. "Tom wait. Look."

"With the continued rise of cases of the COVID-19 virus, the British public are instructed that they must stay at home, except for certain very limited purposes."

"Oh my god. This is a lot more serious than everyone thought it would be."

"Well it looks like we're going to have to stay home for the next few weeks," Anna said as she picked up her phone. "We should call your parents to make sure they know what's going on. We're probably not gonna be able to see them for a while."


Phone Call
Calling Mum 🌸

"I was just about to call you dear. Did you hear the news?"

A: "Yeah that's actually what I was calling about. They're saying we're on lockdown for at least the next two weeks."

"I know. That means we probably won't be able to see you guys until lockdown is lifted."

T: "Please stay safe mum. We'll make sure to call you guys everyday for updates."

"You guys stay safe too please. Hopefully this all goes away soon."


Sadly, the two week lockdown lasted a lot longer. Because they lived only a few minutes away from Tom's family, they decided to be in each other quarantine circles. They all agreed to stay away from other people and get tested regularly so they could all still be together safely.

They did everything they could to stay busy. They cooked, baked, played games, watched movies and shows, read, worked out, taught Tessa some new tricks. Just about any new hobby they could learn, they tried it. Anna knew they were lucky to have the house and resources to stay home and not worry about money or being bored but she was going crazy. She was definitely what most would call a homebody but she didn't know how much longer she could stand being stuck at home all day. Tom noticed and wanted to do something special for her.

One afternoon while Anna was napping, Tom had arranged a date for them in the backyard. She always loved having picnics so Tom knew it would be perfect. They had also worked on fixing up their backyard, putting in new furniture and planting a new garden. They had yet to really spend anytime back there since fixing it so Tom knew Anna would enjoy having a picnic back there. He knew he didn't have much time so he just put together a quick charcuterie board, which was one of the new hobbies they picked up. He also grabbed a bottle of Anna's favorite wine and a few board games so they could play.

He worked as quickly as he could before he heard her coming down the stairs. He ran over to her, catching her by surprise. "Close your eyes!" He said excitedly.

"What's going on?" She was very confused as to what he was so excited about.

"Just close your eyes," he smiled. "Please." She rolled her eyes playfully at him but did as he asked. Tom slowly pulled her towards the backyard and once they were outside he let go of her hands and walked over to where everything was set up. "Okay you can open your eyes now." She slowly opened her eyes and she felt like her heart was about to explode. "Surprise!"

"Tommy I-" she choked up. She couldn't stop the tears from falling even if she wanted to. "I can't believe you did all this for me." She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him into a kiss. "This is so thoughtful of you. I don't know what I did to deserve a husband like you. I love you. So much."

"I love you too my darling."

It was a simple date but Anna appreciated the thought he had put into it. She knew that being stuck at home was difficult but having Tom by her side made it okay.


Anna Holland posted a photo

annaholland putting those new hobbies to good use 😍 I have the best husband in the world!tagged: @tomholland2013

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annaholland putting those new hobbies to good use 😍 I have the best husband in the world!
tagged: @tomholland2013

zendaya okay but this is so cute

username wow she's so lucky

scarlettjohansson Tom is out here making all of our husbands look bad


Tom Holland posted a photo

tomholland2013 she makes being stuck at home 1000% bettertagged: @annaholland

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tomholland2013 she makes being stuck at home 1000% better
tagged: @annaholland

milalopez well when you got someone like her, how could you be miserable

username imagine being stuck at home with them

anthonymackie oh yeah I'm sure you guys are enjoying all that alone time, aren't ya?
annaholland damn right we are 🍆🍑
tomholland2013 can't get enough of her 😏

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