Chapter 30

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October 2017

It was Halloween Day and the four of them were getting ready for Robert's party. Anna and Tom were ready, waiting for Mila and Harrison in the living room. Mila came out in her Barbie costume looking fantastic. "Damn girl! You look hot!" Anna said standing to hug her friend.

"Me? You two look so good! You'll be the hottest couple at the party!"

"Yeah we'll see about that," Tom said quietly. They heard Harrison making his way towards the living room. Anna and Tom started smiling as soon as he stood in front of Mila.

Mila's jaw just dropped as she saw what Harrison was dressed as. He was dressed as Ken and he looked good. Harrison was just in awe of how Mila looked that he hadn't really processed what was happening. "Wow Mila you look great."

"Um thanks you too," she said shyly. They both looked towards Tom and Anna, "Did you guys plan this?" They didn't answer and just made their way towards the car. Harrison and Mila looked at each other again with small smiles as they followed behind getting in the car.

They finally arrived at the party and to say Anna and Mila were nervous to meet everyone was an understatement. They had both been such huge fans of the Marvel movies and never even dreamed that they'd be meeting, let alone partying, with the entire cast.

As soon as they walked in they were greeted by the king himself, Robert Downey Jr. He went straight to Anna and engulfed her into a big hug. "It's so great to see you again!"

"You too Robert! Thank you for having us!"

"Of course! You're already part of our family and everyone else is so excited to meet you! So why don't you guys go on in and enjoy yourselves."

She was then approached by Elizabeth and Scarlett and they quickly brought her into a group hug. "Ahhh! Finally! We've been dying to meet you! We need more girls around when all we're surrounded by is testosterone," Elizabeth laughed.

"This is a dream come true! Guys meet my best friend, Mila," Anna said pushing her friend towards them.

"Hi Mila! Oh my gosh give us your number. We have to start a girls group chat now," Scarlett said already pulling out her phone.

"This isn't real. Am I drunk already?" Mila said.

"You never get used to it, trust me," Anna said laughing while Scarlett put Mila's number into her phone.

Tom approached the girls and pulled Anna aside to introduce her to who he knew she was most excited to meet. "Anna I wanted to introduce you to this man right here," Tom said as they walked towards Tom Hiddleston.

Anna's eyes just went wide as she stood in front of the tall, beautiful man. "Oh my god. Hi. Wow. How is this my life? I must have died and gone to heaven. This isn't real."

"Eheh this is very real my dear," Hiddleston said as he brought her into a tight hug. "It is great to finally meet the girl that has stolen our little Tommy's heart."

"It's great to meet you. I just wanna say I love you! Loki is my favorite MCU character ever." She said turning quickly to Tom, "Obviously aside from Spider-Man, babe."

"Nice save babe," Tom chuckled.

"Well thank you. It means a lot to hear you say that. Well hopefully we'll be seeing you around more."

"I hope so too," Anna said as they walked away to meet everyone else. She then went on to meet Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, Chris Hemsworth, and everyone else that was there. They were all so kind and welcoming to her. She just couldn't believe she was actually now in the same place as the cast she's loved for years and they actually considered her a friend, some even family.

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